
Who is more believable, Casey Anthony / Cindy Anthony or Patsy Ramsey?

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Will this case turn out like the farce that was the Ramsey case?




  1. Patsy Ramsey. Cindy Anthony is just out there to protect Casey Anthony and her lies about what really happened to Caylee Anthony. If the investigation team finds Caylee Anthony dead, I hope that Casey gets the maximum penalty she deserves for doing that to Caylee.

  2. I believe Cindy Anthony tried to give her daughter the benefit of the doubt, but it's obvious she feels her grandchild is in danger, if not deceased, and her daughter knows or is responsible for it.

    So, out of the 3 you mention...I'd have to say Patsy Ramsey was the most credible.

  3. Well, the Ramseys were recently cleared.

    There is no way that Casey Anthony will be cleared. Shes guilty as sin.

    Imagine anyone waiting 30 days before calling the police over a  "missing child".

  4. Patsy was cleared recently.   Cindy Anthony is lying to save her daughter. Casey Anthony is a self-centered, pathological liar who probably locked that sweet child in the car while she went partying and came back to find her dead. She wouldn't want me on her jury.

  5. I hope not!I want that little girl to be ok,and found.I have a bad feeling though .I believe Mommy had a break down and done something terrible and has blocked it out.

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