
Who is more ditzy: Miss Alaska or Miss South Carolina?

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In addition to her "vast" 1 1/2 years experience as Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin was runner up for the crown of Miss Alaska.

Many people puzzled as to why McSame would pick someone with so little experience after his months of negative campaigning about soon-to-be-President Obama's experience.

Most Americans view her as a ditzy beauty queen bimbo rather than as as someone qualified to step into the Presidency.

Who do you think is more ditzy?

Runner up to Miss Alaska?

or Miss South Carolina?




  1. I don't watch the weird phony stuff on youtube. As soon as I saw the question I knew it was you.

    Sarah Palin has a 90% approval rating in office. What is the approval rating of your two Senate cronies? Good luck trying to win with those two.

  2. Palin has three chances of getting into the White house; slim, fat and none. She is a nobody who has done nothing of note, she is anti choice and decided not to abort a downs child, not exactly qualifications to run the country should anything happen to McCain.

  3. That is too funny.  Only a man would ask that question.  They are both ditzy and both should be banished.  

  4. Here is an interesting read that puts it into better perspective by Sultan Knish:

    "Naturally in response to Sarah Palin's role as the VP for McCain, the Democrats are already reciting the party line about McCain putting someone with "no experience a heartbeat away from the Presidency."

    It's laughable from a party that has actually put someone with no experience as their Presidential candidate. It's also bizarre since Sarah Palin has served as Governor since 2006, Barack Obama has served in the Senate since 2005. Is the Obama campaign really claiming that Obama's extra year in the Senate makes him qualified to be President but makes Sarah Palin unqualified to be Vice President?

    It actually gets worse because when you consider that Obama has spent a lot of time playing hooky from the Senate and spent most of that "extra" year on the campaign trail, his extra year vanishes entirely.

    On top of that Sarah Palin spent those 2 years in an executive position making a stunning series of reforms. Obama spent those 3 years doing what exactly? There isn't any serious comparison here.

    Finally, because the Obama campaign's snide elitists learned nothing from Pennsylvania, there are a whole lot of digs about Palin coming from a small town of only 9000 people. Considering that their campaign is going to have to spend a whole lot of time soliciting support from people in small towns whom they just dismissed. At least this time Obama managed to leave out the whole thing about Palin clinging to guns and religion.

    But naturally the same media that hailed Biden as a great leader, are busy smearing Palin as a beauty queen contestant, commenting on her looks, making insuations about her personal life and all that great stuff they were doing that nearly helped Hillary Clinton make a comeback last time around. Because after all sexism worked so well for the Obama campaign last time around.

    While the media will do its ugly best for Barry Hussein, the VP round goes to McCain. Both Obama and McCain have selected VP's from small states. Obama picked a VP who overshadows him with an ugly history of running his mouth and who has ties to Iran and to Obama's own corruption scandals. And no matter how much the media will refuse to discuss it, it will come out. McCain meanwhile picked a VP who won't overshadow him, but who will help him and who has a great deal of credibility on energy issues, letting the McCain team nail down another leg of the stool.

    That's not how the media is spining it, as far as they're concerned, Biden is a wise foreign policy expert and Palin is some inexperienced beauty queen. But on the final leg of the campaign, when Joe Biden is saying embarassing things on national television that not even Jake Tapper will be able to cover up for him, while Sarah Palin is campaigning in those same small towns with 9000 people, the trump card will be made clear."

    Obama wishes he had Sarah Palin's backbone and experience. Gov. Palin has accomplished a lot since becoming Governor of Alaska - a much higher position than Senator.  What has Obama done for Illinois for the 2 years he served besides look the other way when we cried out for help?

  5. How many people did you poll that qualifies you to claim that "Most Americans view her as a ditzy beauty queen bimbo rather than as as someone qualified to step into the Presidency"?

    Her 1-1/2 years as Governor of Alaska are more relevant than Obama's 1-1/2 as Senator and I would rather see inexperience as Vice President than President.

    To answer your lame question:  You are the ditzy one.

  6. I like how all the McCain supporters are trying to down play her beauty queen experience. lol.

    The only problem is, she hasn't really done anything else more significant.

    Governor of Alaska? Please.

    That's like being high school class president.

    There were probably more people in my high school than the whole state of Alaska.

  7. That is hilarious.  I can't believe that McCain would actually pick someone who said that.  He really is out of touch.

    It's obvious that he is grasping for straws with this pick.  Even during her acceptance speech she was trying to compare herself with Hillary-just because she is a woman.  What a joke!

    The Republicans think that Americans vote strictly along gender lines.

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