
Who is more famous - Einstein or Newton ?

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Who is more famous - Einstein or Newton ?




  1. Einstein.

    I just learned about Newton in 7th or 8th grade.

    Before that it was "Newton? Who's Newton?"

  2. Albert Einstein.,

    even mariah carey got her new album name from einstein's E=MC squared!

    he's commonly seen even in cartoons and if you ask a kid 'who is the smartest man in the world'? commonly answered is EINSTEIN...

    if there is a (for example) a movie, cartoon or a simple play with a genius character, you'll see that even einstein's hairstyle is used.,

  3. Einstein . People say "im no Einstein but" . Basically even dumbasses know bout Einstein . Maybe cause he is more recent than Newton and there is actual photographs of him .

  4. both


    because i hear people say Newton is associated with emc2

    and Einstein with apple-gravity


  5. einstein... you dont see smart people being called 'newton'

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