
Who is more important, your spouse, or your child...?

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i know its a hard, nearly impossible question to answer, but what do you say?




  1. child. they  are younger who hasn't exsperienced life as much as your spouse.

  2. Both are of equal importance, but I understand what you're asking. Until my children are teenagers and able to take care of themselves, they are most important to me. Anytime before that, if I had to choose between saving my child or my spouse I would save my child. After they can care for themselves and fight for themselves, my spouse would be most important.

  3. Not impossible to answer at all.  My children.  My spouse doesn't need as much affection or attention as my children do.  

  4. They are both very important to me, and I could not live without either of them.  My daughter gets more attention since she demands it, and is only 8 months old.  But I cant put one higher then the other.

  5. Your additional details do NOT make any sese, but the child. A grown up can get over whatever his problem is and i he cant than leave. Children ae our future you must treat them as precious gems, raise them with love and discipline and patience and respect. Always put your child first!

  6. child, but spouses are more demanding.

  7. my children are way more important they are the ones I wont get over if I ever lost them.

  8. They are both important to me, but my child has more needs than my husband. So my child gets more of my attention.  

  9. Definitely my children! They are my world. I could easily get along w/o my husband but my children are my everything. That's not even a thinker.

  10. To me, it's my spouse. I love my daughter with every bit of my heart, and she is not neglected in anyway. But raising her is a part of OUR lives together. She'll grow up and be gone in 17 years, not living with me but out at college or starting a family of her own. My spouse will still be here. Being me is the best thing I can do for my daughter, he makes me happy(most of the time anyways, lol), and when I'm happy, I can take better care of myself, and in turn, her. I'm better balanced for having him in my life, and I'm a better person for it too. My daughter is a part of who I am, but, she will go on to live her own life someday. I will always want to be a part of her life and will support her in anyway I can, but my spouse is just a little more important, he supports both of us and allows me to stay at home and care for her myself, instead of passing her off to an array of different caregivers with philosophies different than my own. I am mom, but I am also his woman, and I take pride in taking care of him, just as I do from taking care of her.

    Good luck!  

  11. Neither are - YOU are the most important as without YOU the spouse and the child are neglected.

  12. WOW, that's a hard question.

    So obviously both are equal but by a slightly higher percentage.. your child. There's always the chancethat you and your spouse will break up, but your child i salways YOu and is part of you.

  13. I understand your struggle but i think your child because he/she will bring your legacy down the generations, bring down your dna,blood,and genes.

  14. children are more important than your spouse.  They are the future.

    Spouses are replaceable.  

  15. Child, thing about the child is both spouses will die to protect the child (in a caring relationship anyway) Child is always the most important because they carry on best beliefs of both spouses. Its almost like nature forces you to protect them they carry everything you love mentally, physically, and emotionally.

  16. they are both important, no one is more important then the other... they are just important in diffrent ways....   why are you asking?

  17. as a family

    as a whole

    we are equally important.

  18. Your child. You have unconditional love for your child. No matter what you are always going to love that person and that person will be a part of your life irregardless. A spouse can leave and you can eventually learn to not have feelings anymore. But a child is part of you while your lover isn't.

  19. Are you serious? Child.

  20. Hands down the CHILD. Your child is part of you, it came from you. A spouse is just a third party donor.

    I cant believe anyone would actually have to ask that!

  21. We've been brainwashed lately to believe that kids come first, always and in everything.

    Actually, your spouse should be first in your life, at least from a biblical perspective. This does not mean you neglect your children in any way! If you put your kids first, your marriage will suffer and that will affect the kids.

    Balance is key.

  22. Neither.They are both equally important to me.I love my husband because he is my other half & my soul mate.He will always be there for me & always has.I love my child because he is a part of me & me & my husband created him.I would never say that one is more important than the other.I have to say it is sad that a lot of these people are saying that spouses are replacable.I know I could never say that about my spouse.

  23. your child.

    the love you have for your child is unconditional.. your going to love that kid no matter what they do. the love you have for your spouse is conditional. you only love them bc of what they do and how they act. it could eventually go away. the love for your child will never go away.

  24. Without a doubt, the children always comes first.

  25. My child. Always! No man, spouse, boyfriend or fling will ever be more important than my own blood, the child I gave life to. It should never be an impossible question to answer. Ur child is ur flesh 'n blood, someone u put a lot of time into, someone u nurtured thru pregnancy 'n life, no love will ever be stronger.

  26. both are important

  27. not hard at all. my child.. my son is my flesh and blood. my spouse may just leave tomarrow.. i know my son will eventually (lyke 18 yrs cuhz hes only 3mon.) move out or whatnot but h**l always be my flesh and blood.. no doubt bout it

  28. Maybe the answers seems harder than your question, but actually, your spouse should be somehow more important.

    When, in a marriage, a baby is born, couple use to get farther because they give more attention to the child than to each other. But, as you know, as your children grow up and become men/women, they will leave your house to create a new family too. And who do you think will be there to spend what's left of your life but your spouse.

    If you don't continue working on your relationship and talking, you'll have nothing to share or talk about when you get older. So your marriage can probably get broken.

  29. the kids come first.

    men and woman come and go, but your children are hard to replace.

  30. My husband is most important in the world...if it is a life and death situation.... my grandchildren come first.  :))

    My husband and I know after 40 years that we are there for each other ...but if it comes to life and death...children come first.  My children are in their late 30's and early 40' they can take care of themselves.  I love them to death...but you will find out they get lives of their own and you aren't as important to them as you want to be or think you should be.  They have their own families and you are pushed down on the totem pole.  It is the way it should be.

    AS for your situation....your hubby is right to give his child security as much as he can.  BUT..that child will soon grow out of this and things will be back to normal.

    Right now making sure that child feels secure is utmost important.  That is where children learn trust and security...knowing their needs are met.

    you can try leaving for a few minutes at a time and coming back in and holding her and then handing her back to dad.  Make each time a little soon as she knows you will come back she will be ok.

    She is at the stage where object permanence is an issue.

    Object permanence is the term used to describe the awareness that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer visible.

    your child has not yet achieved that belief that mom will return...simply because she can't see you.

  31. I am a child i live both my mom and my dad im 14 and im pretty sure its your spouse! I no thats what the bible says!

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