
Who is more indebted to the power brokers in his own party...?

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....Obama or McCain? Which one is likely to have more confrontations with his own party leaders in Congress? Which one will have a more bi-partisan Cabinet?




  1. Well let's see, Obama defeated the power in his party, the Clintons.

    McCain had to kiss and make up with Bush and Co.

    Obama got the help of new democrats and folks like Oprah.

    McCain wasn't even allowed to pick his own VP, which was also outside the Republican party, but not eactly a Democrat, so he already has a record of being controlled by his party and not being allowed to have a bi-partisan administration.

    Obama is reaching out to the religious right.

    McCain is pandering to big oil.

    You know, I could go on with this list, but you get the picture.

  2. No question about it Obama, and Joe Biden, McCain is a Maverick and has taken on the gOp leaadership a time or tow, hes co-sponced bills across the asile, and will make a great president using bipartisanship to bring the USA back into Greatness

  3. McSame got dared to pick somebody that he was friendly with and that he could get along with and he caved in. Everybody thinks he was a maverick by picking Ailin', but they told him that he had better go after the HRC voters to get elected. The Rethugs want anybody but McSame, even if they (roll their eyes) have to pick a woman. They kicked him in his n***s when he was running against Bush and he thinks they love him now.

    Looking at it last night, I think it's finally coming to Grampa's mind that maybe he's not really the presidential nominee - he's just a cover. The part of the Rethug camp that feels nostalgic for the Vietnam War wants to give Gramps one last hurrah before he goes off to that Big POW Camp Down Under. He owes them...He owes them big.

  4. Obama for president

  5. Obama.

    Mccain's paid his political dues & is at the top of the food chain.

    Obama's rise in & from Chicago, the hub of dem party  power brokers.

  6. A no-brainer.  Even the far-left idealogues will admit that Obama owes everything to the democratic power-brokers. This is a question that brings to mind the theater production "Springtime for Hit**r", in the film The Producers, I mean to say how many times did they sell 100% that production;  Obama can be viewed in the same way.  

    The Cabinet:  McCain has a long history of bipartisan associations, even to the chagrin of his own party;  Obama - has absolutely no history of being able to cooperate with anyone having even mildlly centrist positions.  An Obama Cabinet would be populated only by the most extreme of the present american political left.

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