
Who is more intellectual, Barack Obama or John McCain?

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People use experience to talk about who deserves office. Did Abraham Lincoln have experience? No, and he lead the country through the toughest time it has ever faced.

What it comes down to is who is smarter

Therefore would you pick Barack Obama, who worked his way up from just a typical family in Hawaii to finishing in the top 10 of his Harvard class?

or John McCain, who had a high status father in the military, yet finished 894th of 900 in his military school?




  1. Hey don't give McCain too much credit, he was 894 out of 899!  LMFAO  Thanks for Palin...Obama '08, write it down, take a picture.  It's over!

  2. Just listen to both of them. Obama is in a league way above McCain. McCain can't even answer questions sometimes.

    Obama new the war in Iraq was no good before most of us did.

    Obama new timetabels were good before most of us did.

    Obama new that we needed more troops in Afganistsan and that we should target Al Queda bases in Pakistan before Bush and McCain came around to those opinions.

    Obama new that the Anbar awakening preceded the surge,

    Obama made a gaffe with the number of states (57 instead of 47) and a mix up on the languages spoken in the middle east. Hardly significant.

    McCain thinks that Iran trains Sunni, but it trains Shia. McCain thinks there is a border on Pakistan and Iraq. McCain has said several times that the Surge predated the Anbar awakening.

    Lastly, McCain appointed Sarah Palin as his Vice Presidential nominee even though she is not qualified to be president, and there are many other women (Dole, Snow, Whittman) who are vastly more qualified.

  3. I think no one can argue that McCain is smarter than Obama, as your numbers showed exemplary.

    Here is the thing about experience: Experience is the knowledge of things that have occurred and have past by. Having a lot of it is good for story telling but not important to lead a country, do you want to know why? I'll put it in a simple parable: The world turns constantly and changes every day, every hour, every minute and every second. So how can something that belongs in the past be important in a time where things change so rapidly its difficult to keep up?

    So smarts and progressive ideas willalwaysy beat experience. Ergo, Obama is the better man for the job.

    PS: I really liked the  Lincoln statement.  

  4. By that standard, Jimmy Carter should have been president for life.

  5. My dog is but he's not 35 years old so he can't run for president.  McCain will have to do until he is 35.

    McCain IS YOUR new president.

  6. Both are smart men..both has talents and abilities

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