
Who is more intimidated by a woman's beauty: men or women ??

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in your opinion




  1. Women, no doubt.  Why else do we have so many magazines and make up products and plastic surgery?

  2. It depends on which age group you're talking about.

    Younger men might get more intimidated, while younger girls are all about "Oh my god, you look so cute!"

    While older men gain confidence, the older women probably get intimidated at the beautiful woman seducing their husband.

    Just my two cents.

  3. definitely women

  4. women for sure. we're so jealous. why do you think hillary wouldnt win? women dont like women. but more then that, we dont like women prettier than us.

  5. I would have to go with women.  It's like that addage - I want men to want me and women to hate me.

  6. women are mean territorial creatures and want what they cant have sometimes when a guys with a girl and look at themselves all day and play with their hair all day and watch s*x and the city to learn more amazing tips

  7. Men.  

    Women feel threatened by it, not intimidated.

    In my opinion.

  8. women because it raises the bar for them

    <33 =)))

  9. Women because if their jelousy, but I don't really care if women like me just as long as men desire me.

  10. That is so weird that most of the women are answering "women," but I will have to say that men are more intimidated by female beauty.

    I'm personally not as intimidated by a pretty woman than I am an overweight unattractive woman. In my experience, the latter have ALWAYS been more difficult.

  11. Women are more intimidated. Men are just in awe.

  12. Women. I think most women are competitive by nature, even identical twins are sometimes pegged the "pretty one." But no matter how sure you are of your own beauty, seeing another beautiful women makes us a little insecure about our own attributes. That moment of self doubt and insecurity is intimidating.

  13. To the respondent at the bottom of the previous page that said 'g*y Men Would Be Intimidated By A Woman's Beauty'

    You have GOT to be kidding!

    As a g*y man I can tell you hands down 10000% that no g*y man is going to be intimidated by a beautiful woman. We love them and think they are faaaaabulous!


  14. women....we are very competitive.

  15. >>>If the results here don't clearly display the futility and inherent incompetence of women I don't know what will.

  16. Women

  17. MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  18. Canadians.

  19. Can only speak for myself. Beauty is realative. Because what I find is beautiful you may not. Prime example is hollywood's version of beauty is so far off it's not even funny. If young girls need to starve themselves to look like their favorite starlet, something is wrong. I've seen beauty and that ain't it.

  20. Women are more intimidated by another woman's beauty.

    Most of us can't stand when other pretty girls give us a run for our money.

  21. Women.

    Somehow, they feel intimidated because a part of them are envious of her beauty and think she will win over men.

  22. WOMEN! for sure, every girl knows the feeling when you are in a group and you know the girl next to you looks really pretty. you cant help but wonder if you look as good/ worse/ or better than her at that moment. its not something you try to feel, but you do...

  23. Women probably. Men would think they are beaytiful, but some women would be jealous. I am not intimidated or jealous of other people. I'm lucky that I am blessed with so many things and there is nothing 'wrong' with my looks so that's a bonus!

  24. Women.

  25. women are indeed more intimidated by other womens beauty. because they are jealous. i try not to be that way. many women are more beautiful than i am, and i look at them and think wow they sure are pretty, i wonder if they are conceited, but i don't get jealous and no i am not g*y.

  26. Always women. They have a terrible habit of comparing themselves to others.

  27. Women for sure.  There's this competition that seems to be inherent in all of us.

  28. women. women care more about looks and who looks better than men.

  29. Honestly, I think women are.  We tend to size one another up.  I can sometimes be intimidated by other attractive women.  I have a great amount of self confidence and do not suffer from low self-esteem, but I do feel awkward sometimes when I'm around more beautiful women.

  30. Women. For women, its a standard they have to compete with.

    Men aren't competing with her, just nervous about how to get her.

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