
Who is more likely to comeback from a 3-0 deficit, Dallas or Philly?

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In no way shape or form am I saying that one of the two teams I mentioned will make a comeback. So morons need not respond. Sorry, I had to put an idoit clause in here.




  1. Dallas.  The Pens have too much talent and the Cryers suck the big one.

  2. Dallas....just because I love them and I had to answer that way.

    I wanted a Dallas/Philly finals.....would be very cool to get TWO teams who battled back from an 0-3 hole to meet for the Cup.  Yeah, yeah...I know it won't happen.

  3. Neither teams will make a comeback.

  4. Well I personally don't think either team will comeback to win the series but I think the Flyers have a better chance then the Stars.  Detroit is better then the Pens and have to many weapons to be beaten 4 straight times.  The Flyers may be getting Timonen and Colburn back which has to be a huge boost for the team.  If they can steal game five this series will get real interesting.

  5. I'd say Dallas. I'm a Wings fan and even though Detroit is the best team of the four, they have a funny way of taking their foot off an opponents neck just when it looks like a done deal.

  6. Dallas Stars

    they have a better team than philly, pittsburgh is a better team than detroit

    detroit has an aging lineup, i feel like it would'nt take too much leaning by the stars to knock them out

  7. Flyers.  

    They have exceeded all expectations and have just about nothing to lose, so there's very little pressure on them.

  8. With Timonen and Coburn hopefully coming back into the lineup on Sunday and watching the way they played with some fire last night.  I'd say the Flyers have a better shot.  Detroit is just to strong this year.

  9. After watching last night's game I think the Flyers have a better chance to extend their series than the Stars do. If they win game 5 they will have a great chance to win game 6 at home. It all depends on how Biron plays in my opinion.

  10. the stars have a better chance

  11. If one of the teams were to make a comeback, Dallas is the stronger of the two.

  12. Neither- but if I HAD to pick- Dallas. Philly will never beat the Penguins

  13. I would have to say Dallas. They've played much better the last two games and Detroit has had bad history recently. If Dallas can win game 5, doubt may very well start to creep into the Red Wings' heads.

    Still, both are very, extremely unlikely!

  14. Highly unlikely either way but I would say Dallas because they are healthier than the Flyers.  The Flyers are missing their top defensive pairing.  That said it is not impossible.  If either team wins game 5 on the road then game 6 is at home and they Wings/pens players would be starting to grip the stick a  little tighter.  Especially the the Pens who have yet to face any real adversity in these playoffs.

  15. I would have to say the Flyers. They came out and played with their hair on fire last night.

    I don't think its going to happen, but for the sake of the question, there you go.

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