
Who is more likely to reinstitute the draft: Obama or McCain?

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Who is more likely to reinstitute the draft: Obama or McCain?




  1. Neither will reinstate the draft.  It is both militarily unnecessary as well as politically unpopular, and most within the military rank-and-file are adamantly opposed to it due to issues that may arise from low morale amongst conscripts.  

    However, a McCain adminstration would likely "outsource" much of the dirty work to privately contracted mercenaries in South America or sub-Saharan Africa.  (Think of the Blackwater debacle in Iraq as a precursor of things to come should McSame assume the presidency, allowing the neocons to maintaing their stranglehold on the executive branch.)

  2. one will reinstitute the draft. and even if they did congress would never pass it.

    so dont worry about it.

  3. Why would Obama do a draft? He'll tell everyone not to mess with us and of course they'll say okay! Or  maybe he'll get the U.N. to protect us.

  4. McCain...!!!

  5. McCain will need lots of soldiers to fight his wars! Typical neocon;-]

  6. McCain is more likely.  However, I doubt whether either could get support for such a thing.

  7. Its always democrats suggesting that. They would love to blame that on Bush too.  

  8. The Democrat have to reinstate it. If Obama is elected there will be a mass exodus from the Military. Also, Clinton's attempt to seed the military with leftists failed simply because he could not get enough people in to take it over.

    Also, Democrats are the only one's that have actually called for a draft so far, so forget the propaganda that the moonbats pull. It is them that want a draft.  

  9. Neither.

    Congress has the power to "raise and support a military".  That means institute a draft and issue war bonds and war tax.

  10. Without a doubt:  McCain.

    Get ready to receive your draft card in the mail, boys.  

  11. since the only one to purpose a draft was the democrat party Id say Obama  

  12. neither one.  Because they both are chicken.  They are afraid they might loose a few votes.

  13. mccain, because although he actually served in vietnam he knows that most republicans are chickenhawks like bush & cheney.

  14. McCain.

    His overreaction to the Georgian crisis is an indication of his lack of diplomatic skills and borderline psychotic.

  15. Anyone who put Obama is either in denial or hasn't seen or read the news for 20 years. Obama wants to end this stupid war, Mccain wants it to continue for 100 years. Luckily he'll be dead within 5.

  16. There won't be a war if Obama is elected. If McCain is elected that's all there will be.

  17. Obama is for big government, and big government always forces people to do things they don't want to do, so that the bureaucracy can feed on itself.

    I'd say Obama would be the most likely.

    Ok Thumbs Down people

    Franklin Roosevelt (D) - DRAFT

    Harry Truman - (D) DRAFT

    Dwight Eisenhower - (R) ENDED the Draft

    Lyndon Johnson (D) - DRAFT

    Richard Nixon (R) - ENDED the Draft

    In 1979 JIMMY CARTER (D) - Signed a Bill into LAW Every male over 18 years of age must register with Selective Service (That's the DRAFT BOARD to you and me, folks!), or face criminal penalties including imprisonment.


    Please tell me which candidate would be the most likely to reinstate the DRAFT???

  18. why are you so scared of the draft?  It was good enough for your fathers and grandfathers wasnt it?  Are you a coward?  By the way, neither will bring it back, short of a war with Russia.  Then they both would bring it back.

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