
Who is more qualified to serve, Biden or Palin?

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In the poll taken Friday, 39 percent said Palin is ready to serve as president if needed; By contrast, 57 percent of voters rated Delaware Sen. Joe Biden as qualified after Obama selected him last week.




  1. It is funny how liberals have been completely ignoring the question of qualification up until now.  You have a guy running for president who has been in the senate only a few years.  Now, all of the sudden, experience and qualifications matter to you people?

  2. I think even less people will think Palin is qualified in the coming weeks. And comments like "I'm absolutely ready to be President. Yup. Yup." are not going to help her.,,...

  3. Joe Biden has BEEN serving since the 70's




  5. Let's see...

    Biden is an old guy who's been in D.C. longer than McCain, who's been a part of the least prolific (in the last 75 years) and lowest-rated congress in U.S. history (9% approval rating), and who's likely corrupt beyond belief given his long tenure.  Remind me what good Congress has done lately again?

    Palin is still idealistic and actually cares about serving the people rather than making them refer to her as "honorable."  She single-handedly has brought about change, reform, and removal of corrupt politicians in her state in a very short time.  She's a woman of action and integrity.  There are more than enough people in D.C. to bring her up to speed.  Remember, she'd have an entire executive branch at her service.

    Hmmm... tough choice... I'm going to have to go with someone who's not part of the problem in D.C. and who has a track record as impressive as Gov. Palin's.  She wins hands down.

    To those of you talking about how experienced Biden is, how does that fit with Obama's "change Washington" mentality when he picks a guy who's been there longer than McCain???

  6. Biden, cause he drank few cups of coffee a day saying "I" or "nay" and raising right hand occassionally have wine.

  7. Both are natural born citizens.  Both are over 35.  Both are equally qualified.

  8. But we can ask the exact same question about Obama and McCain. Who is more qualified to serve?

    Are you saying that if we look at qualification and experience solely, we should have McCain as president and Joe Biden as VP? Obama has even less experience than Palin.

  9. Biden. He's been everywhere around the world. He understands foreign policy. Palin...well she's been to the lower 48 states if that even count.

  10. Biden

  11. Senator Biden is the more qualified candidate.  I really feel that Governor Palin is a good person, but she is a mom, and every mom knows the burden we carry to love and care for our children.  I really think McCain was not respecting Palin's responsibility of being a mom.  Think about it--- if one or two of her children get sick, and she's chosen to lead out, how much of her concentration can be poured into going abroad, or meeting with committees?  Her children would come first.  She looks like a lovely lady, but I believe Senator Biden is the candidate who could handle the job.  --- Toni D.  

  12. The irony is that Palin is more qualified than obama.

  13. 30 yrs of being senator vs 2 years or less as Governor of Alaska.  Which is more qualified I would go with Biden

  14. The answer about her being a mom angers me considering it's that person's only reason as to why she shouldn't be VP. What about a father? Obama has kids, all of them do. Since when do the fathers not take of the kids when they're sick?

    Well, Palin has accomplished a lot in her short term in Alaska in council, as major, as governor. But she has crossed party lines (not just a wonderful political line) she has called out her OWN party and she has never taken anything from anyone. She has 80%+ approval rating in Alaska...something that's nearly unheard of. Biden has been in there longer than McCain and what has he accomplished? He hasn't made any changes...the basis of the Obama champaign. Exactly how is an old face who hasn't done anything and trashed talked the man he's running with a better choice? I adore Palin and always will, she speaks very well for herself on interviews and her speach was well spoken and written.

  15. I'll have to go with the audience.  Final answer.

  16. Joe Biden has a lot more political experience (over 20 years as a Senator) than Sarah Palin (less than two years as a Gov.).  Contrary to the comments of many, Barack Obama has more political experience (8 years as IL State Sen., 4 as U.S. Sen.) than Palin.  Also, being under investigation for abuse of power should count negatively against Palin's experience.  Both Obama and Biden utilized their experience in cities and states with greater population than Alaska or Alaskan cities.  They both were voted for in this year's primaries; NO ONE voted for Palin except John McCain and he did that last week.

  17. Too obvious , so i'm not even answering this question the way does Palin even now what the VP does ?

  18. you really have to ask,a man with 26 year of experience,compared to a women whose governed a state as long as mccain has been campaigning.

  19. Palin is barely qualified to be governor of Alaska. With less people than Brooklyn.

  20. Biden. But in similar polls McCain tops Obama in "ready to lead" polls.

    So doesn't mean much. I doubt people vote based on the VP choice.

  21. Wouldn't Biden be the obvious answer?

  22. I don't know but you shouldn't talk like that.

    I believe in the same principals as Sarah Palin. Main causes of bad kids are working parents who put their kids into daycare, the teaching of evolution in the schools, and working mothers who take birth control pills. But she is working part time though right?

    Her kids turned out good though didn't they?  So see how cool she is? She is awesome.

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