
Who is more respectable?

by Guest56462  |  earlier

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A person who belongs to a royal family or has an aristocratic background but is not really considered "very rich" or a person who belongs to a billionaire family but doesn't have royal blood?




  1. Royal blood is more "prestige" and “unique” since it is not something that money can buy. Anything that is considered “rare or uncommon” is priceless. Someone asked a question regarding "why Americans were obsessed with buying a title” which might answer your question. Here was my response:

    A real aristocrat title is inherited at birth and only blue-blood families are privileged to have such a title usually given by a monarch. An aristocrat title also symbolizes a very long possibly even royal family lineage full of nobles, dukes, lords, earls, count, princes and even perhaps a monarch. Even if someone was allowed to buy an aristocrat title, they will not be recognized and definitely not acknowledge by other real blue-blood aristocrat families. An aristocrat title will loose all of its significance, importance and privileged status if it was put up "for sale.” A title may be bought but definitely not the entire privileged blue-blood family lineage that must follow behind the title. It is a hereditary honour and not something you could become when you won the lottery. You could be an aristocrat even if you didn't have a huge estate or money as long as you were born into a blue-blood family and inherit the title from your father, and he inherits it from his father and so forth. There are some things that money just cannot are who you are and nothing will change that.

  2. I don't think either one of these examples designate respectability. Either one of these people can be immoral, not nice, horrid, mean....

    Respectability comes from how you live, treat others, share, give & what kind of a roll model you are. Neither royalty nor money, necessarily, gives anyone a respectable life.

  3. Royal blood! New money can be soo tacky!

  4. I don't judge by money I go by personality.

  5. Well I can say for sure that you have to have the blood - you can be as rich as for God's sake and  be as respectable as Richard Branson and and famous as the Spice thinies and  not  ever ever make it in high society as in the Court circles you are speaking about.  You may be ALLOWED in to for instance the Queen's enclosure, but you will not intimately socialise ever with the royals and they don't usually go out except to do their duties.  They stay in other aristos joints for their parties that way nobody (us) knows what the h**l they get up to. Now and then they may make it if they look and sound like a horse and own a stud. Nobody will ever enter the inner chamber unless thru marriage or an affair.

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