
Who is more responsible for Gustav, Obama or McCain? Can I get someone to re-build new home for free?

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Since I thought it was more important to spend money on highheels and expensive dresses, I FORGOT to buy home owners insurance. And I really need someone to build me a whole new house for free!

So which candidate started this hurricane Obuma or Nursing home old f**t McCain?




  1. Well, I read on MISNBC that George Bush personally toppled the levee himself!  I'm sure its true cause I read it also here on YA.

  2. This year FEMA has decided to cut out the middle man and send the checks directly to the bar owners and the crack dealers so you are out of luck on the new home idea.

  3. A stupid question deserves a stupid answer...

    It was ...

  4. Gustav is natures way of saying .... h**l NO! to the republican party.

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