
Who is more talented at learning and using foreign languages , a man or a woman ?

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Who is more talented at learning and using foreign languages , a man or a woman ?




  1. i think it depend on the character of etch on . and their is no different between man and woman .

  2. A woman.. because they're Da7ee7ah.. moos

  3. Id say women......we are Very patient.....and we listen and remember better then men do.....

  4. I don't think one is better than the other it's all to do with patience and wanting to actually learn the language even if it takes a really long time.  Also perhaps if they are a perfectionist and they will try to get the accent right and the true meaning of the language.  

  5. A child!

  6. i would have to say a man

    because i am a man

  7. mmm i don't know about that clearly

    but i think it depends on factors other than gender issues:

    (1) one of the factors is what culture you belong too and How your native language phonetic rhythms relate the foreign language phonetic rhythms

    i mean arabs were found to be fast learner of Latin and Anglo language.. however Chinese are slow learners for most foreign languages. (these are not research-based facts, but general knowledge from reading articles)..

    in addition you will find that Arabic language is easy to learn to Semitic languages speakers such as Persian and Hebrew speakers, Also Swahili speakers in Africa can learn arabic easily

    also some languages are generally harder than others, Icelandic language is considered the hardest (according to a TV show)

    (2) and you still have to define what you do you mean by "talent" in using a language... Because other factors are related to someone personality: someone may communicate verbally in a bad way, but still could write very well. in this sense it is NOT related to his gender as much as it is related to the context of using the language and also his personal traits of shyness and other as well.

    (3) also it differs according to the domain s/he using the language.

    is it in academic context?

    or in everyday life context?

    or in writing novels? or writing research papers?

    Domain type and context theme determines what style of using the lanugae (speaking and writing) is more appropriate than another

    (4) and this leads us to the most important factor is what is your real MOTIVATION to learn a particular language... as much the domain you need to use the language in gets bigger, as you will be willing to exert more efforts in learning -----> this will naturally support your nervous system in your brain to develop and establish synaptic connection that support the learning process in less time.

    it is not about remembering vocabs, it is about acquisition of the syntactic essence of a language.

  8. it depends if your a single man or woman, if someone was single then they probably have more spare time, then it would be easy for them to learn this foreign language fast.... and it also depends on the environment and culture that they live in if your forced to live in a country with everyone speaking a different language then your native language then your most likely to learn this language faster then living in your native country.  

  9. In my opinion, there is no difference. I think it just all depends on how you learn the language, and how good you are at remembering things. For example, I'm pretty organized and good at remembering, so I could learn at the same time as someone is is disorganized, and not good at remembering things. I'd probably be better. So, I don't think men or women come with better, or more talent than the other, it just depends on your brain type.

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