
Who is more wise male or female please give example to your answer?

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Who is more wise male or female please give example to your answer?




  1. Females, Most likely...!!

  2. I agree with Michel. I think personally females are wise as in making good decisions but males have better money management. That's what I've noticed but I don't know if that's like that everywhere.

  3. George Bernard Shaw once said to his wife:  "Isn't it true that men have better judgment than women?"  And Mrs. Shaw said, "Of course, dear.  After all, you married me, and I married you."  

    What more need be said?

  4. Both genders are wise in certain aspects. Girls tend to be more wise when it comes to social things, but guys tend to be more on others.

    Sorry but I have to say this. Rinku contradicted her statement by showing how thick-headed she is.

  5. Females.

    Guys tend to be thick-headed and refuse to admit their mistakes, so... they can't really accept being wise.

  6. Women are more emotionally wise as they tend to base decisions on instinct. Not that I generalise or anything!

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