
Who is offering the best and cheapest car insurance in the uk?

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I am finding the ever increasing price of car insurance is becoming a bit of a burden. I am at present with one of the recovery companies and the costs are spiralling.....Help an old geezer out...PLEASE....Frederick.




  1. Mate the best thing is to either search in or join like tesco, asda etc that offer better insurance to their customers. My boyfriend went through a similar situation the costs are increasing making it harder for us lot to fork out the money. the other option is to visit which is a very good comparison site that takes all your details and recommends the best insurance policy. hope that helps good luck and hope you get the best quote.

    Wapitona xx

  2. hey

    i got mine from as website called its 4 me

    they were cheapest for me  

  3. It isn't about helping an old geezer out, you just have to do some legwork and get quoted till you find a cheap quote. Here there are a few insurance links where you can get a quote from and see if they are cheap in the end you'll still have to fill the forms yourself.

    And when finished, how about you pick up the yellow pages and phone everyone in the book, marking them out as you go?

    People at work have started doing that after seeying me do it, so *pretend* you watched me do it and do the same. Don't ever stop till you found what you want.

  4. Hi there.

    Use the Tesco Compare website, if you get a good quote you can pouch a lot of points which are very useful.

    I get my insurance from Liverpool Victoria, which was cheaper for me than anything on Tesco - but as an ex-Civil Servant I got the CSMA discount, which made all the difference. If you have ever been in the civil service, you could get this too.

    Apart from that, if you indeed an old geezer with a clean licence then try SAGA - they get good insurance discounts for the more mature and safe motorist.

    Good luck, Steve.

  5. My suggestion is trying to get as much resource as you can before making final decision,here is a good one.

  6. which do you want, best, or cheapest, you can't have both

  7. i found diamond to be the cheapest.

    Yes i am a woman, but no im not stupid. They do cover for men and it usually works out much cheaper than anything else, tesco is also cheap.  

  8. This site can provide you with links to get multiple rates in the U.K, Australia, and The US...use

  9. I would try a comparison website like They do all the work from you. The cheapest quote I got was from Hastings Direct. They were a good £200 cheaper than my first quote.

  10. This will depend on your personal circumstances.

    Chech out the following website to find out how to get the best possible deal:

  11. Every car and driver are different.  My husband went to and found a superior deal there.  

    Good luck

    Old Geezette

  12. Try comparsion sites:

    There is no cheapest, the cheapest for 1 person is not necessarily the cheapest for someone else.

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