
Who is on David Murrays side?

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I cant help but think David Murray is getting a raw deal from a section of the Rangers support. I have nothing but respect for David who has devoted over 20 years of his life into trying to do whats best for the club. The Cuellar situation was a no brainer Carlos insisted on a sell on clause in his contract and when Villa came in with the cash he wanted to go, case closed. Since then Rangers are doing their best spending plenty trying to better the team. What more do you guys want? I am old enough to remember Rangers when Lawrence Marlborough was in charge and i think David Murray has done a great job for the club and deserves better treatment than he is getting right now.




  1. Hi Alex

    he sure has made some effort since they sold Cuellar so all respect to him there.

    personally I think he is going all out to win the league knowing this could be his last season as chairman.

    I think he has the majority support now too...which can only be a good thing

    David Edgar now needs to come out and say he is behind him too as all his arguments against him have now dissapeared

  2. Like all chairmen of the old firm there's always some fans don't like the way their club is going.

  3. Howdy, Ally.  Long time no speak.

    I have never said a bad word about Sir David.  

  4. when you consider the state rangers were in when he took over and also the success he has brought to the club and the millions he has put into rangers it is a disgrace that he can attract any criticism  

  5. Am with you completely on this one.I dread to think what state the club would be in if he hadn't bought us.He always has the best interests of the club at heart and has done a h**l of a lot for us.Am not saying every decision he has ever made has been right but you learn from your mistakes and from spending a fortune on duff players.

    The fans on saturday showed that the majority support him and the club which is the way it should be!!

  6. I support Murray while he is in charge of the club he will do what he believes is best people forget that this man has bailed the club out of debt from his own pocket to avoid floating it on the stock market and to prevent it becoming a PLC.And well done to him for not selling to the first big billionaire cheque writter that comes in it shows he still has the best interests at heart.

  7. i think we are all allowed to be peeved every so often..we had just went out of europe..not playing well our best player away, ferguson injured and no sign of any signings, so people were a little disgruntled to say the least..didn't agree with talk of walk outs and protests etc but i felt not enough was getting done to give us a hope for domestic success, but he looks to have signed some decent players, call us fickle if you like but at the end of the day , we all want the same thing..success for our team and if we think its not going to happen are we supposed to sit and say oh well..leave it be after all he has been good to us..cos the celtic support sure as h**l don't when things aren't going right for you..why should we be any different..xx

  8. I think most Rangers fans are on Murrays side but the ones that are not are just very loud He has put his money where his mouth is

  9. It's barking mad If united had a bad season I couldnt see them trying to oust Eddie Thompson the mans much loved and done all he can to get the team in shape it's down to the manager and players.

    The thing is there are alot of stupid people out there

  10. if u asked this 2 weeks agoe,he wid have got pelters.bluebell is spot on with her answer

  11. alex...the protesters are a bunch of attention seeking hypo-contriacts

                     we deserve better...  

  12. He is the man to take rangers back to the top, i would rather have him in charge making decisions than 10 clowns like celtic, he has rangers best interest at heart, he made a mistake backing advocaate with so much money, but has took steps to make that right, £20 million hes spent this summer compared to celtics £3 m, and i am one of the 95% of fans who support him.

  13. good luck to him

    and when things go wrong dont moan

    stick by him

  14. A good question Alex.

    I for one have never bought into the Mania that surrounded Rangers in the last few weeks or in the past under Sir David's tenure.

    I have been unhappy at the thought of loosing Players,not getting Players and the like as I am sure most football fans the World over have been whichever Club they support.

    I can honestly say that I am very Proud to have Sir David Murray as Chairman of my beloved team. This is a Chairman who did splash lots of cash on very good players and Rangers were a Club who everyone wanted to Play for. When the boom time ended and the Sky deal gone he realised then that money alone does not guarantee success no matter who you are. He did no more than stand down as Chairman, went about his other Business dealings with Gusto and promptly returned as Chairman and Personally Underwrote 55 Million of the clubs 77 Million Debt himself, what more could I ask for as a supporter than what he did.

    Yes he had plans to build the 700 Project but not in this Financial climate and that's just good business sense end of. I believe the project will still go ahead as planned as it is not just Sir David that has his own Iron in that particular fire.

    So I hope that if and when he does step down every rangers supporter the World over will rise to their feet and applaud a great servant to Glasgow Rangers Football Club.

    PS  how's the down under thing going and when you off

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