
Who is one famous person who you really do not like?

by  |  earlier

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Mine would be miley cyrus! you?




  1. i agree with miley cyrus. but i also really dont like zac efron. hes hot dont get me wrong but he seems like he'd be a jerk in real life.

  2. I can name more than one.

    But for now, let's go with Jose Canseco.

  3. Hulk Hogan, he's such a hypocrite. And to think that I actually cheered for him after the stuff that he said on the prison tapes. It makes me sick.

  4. Ummm.....Zac Efron.

  5. miley cyrus and "mandy jiroux"

    shes not even freaking famous

    but i guess since shes bffs with miley...


  6. umm..probably hulk hogan.

    i mean, hes like to involved with his daughter's life.

    he needs 2 let her live her life how she wants.

    and i also agree with the first answer

  7. OMG!!! me 2

    i hate miley cyrus!

    she absolutely sucks:)

    you rock!



  9. Lawl. I like the way your said that. I never liked the word hate [even though I use it a lot].

    It's rare for me to strongly dislike a celebrity nowadays, because I've come to realize I don't know them personally.

    Jessica Simpson is probably my least favorite celebrity, just because she's not a good singer or actor yet she's so cocky. The only thing she going for her is she's gorgeous.

  10. Well i Really Get Along With Milez;

    and i hate Corbin =]

  11. I HATE 50cent  :@

    i think he is  SUCKS :P

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