
Who is or was so excited about their wedding they wanted it to come sooner?!?

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I am getting married in a year (next summer in July) and am SO excited I want it to come now!!!! I already have the church and the place booked and even the food and my dress! (I know, I am jumping the gun, but he is just as excited as I am too!) I just want to be married to him already and start our lives together. Does the engagement go by quickly?? We still have a lot to do in a year, like move in together and have him start his new job and plan a wedding, but OMG I cant wait!!!




  1. Suggestion: just do it.  The hoopla is just that, and it's downright expensive, too.  It'll make ya cwazy!

  2. I was engaged last thanksgiving weekend, and got married on January 17, 2008.  I had a short engagement, so it did go by very quickly.  Once everything was booked, the day couldn't come fast enough...but we didn't rush it, and was able to celebrate our wedding with all of our friends and families in attendance.  It was worth the wait.

    Best of luck and good wishes to you and the fiance.

  3. My engagement was/is right at nine months. We're down to less than three months and I can't wait! It's gone by so fast!


    I'm happy for you! =D Congratulations on your big day!


  5. I'm really excited for mine but it isn't until June 19, 2010. I wish it could be sooner, but the reason for having it so far out is that we're saving because I do not wish to go into debt over a wedding.

    It's hard to wait when you're excited!

  6. I can't wait to get married!! I have been engaged for a year and a half! For me it did NOT go by fast. I feel like it should have been here already! So now here it is 2 weeks until the wedding and...AHH!!! I can't belive its here!!! Anyways, good luck and have fun being engaged! :)

  7. Time goes by very quickly! It is good to start your planning early, it will save a lot of scrambling when it gets closer to your wedding day.

  8. haha i hear ya girl! we just got engaged in april of 08, but aren't getting married till august of 09.  we already picked out the venue, food, I'm starting to make my invitations, my dress and everything! We were just talking about going and eloping with family, saves us (the brides) stress and both of us money.  We are still debating though... haha, don't worry your not the only one out there! good luck with everything mrs bride to be! CONGRATS!

  9. I'm getting married in May, I've had the church booked since December, and getting pretty much everything else done this summer. Having to work around school is the problem, but really, planning this far in advance is a bummer. I just want it to be NOW so I can get out of all this planning.

  10. Congratulations! I just got engaged on my bday July 7th, we set the date for 7/11/09 and I am so excited I can't wait. I wish it would come sooner and I hope the time goes by fast.

  11. I am!  I am so excited to be married to my fiance and so sick of all of this planning and drama!  I wish it was tomorrow!

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