
Who is or was the tallest person?

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Who is or was the tallest person?




  1. Xi Shun is the current world's tallest man. With a height of 2.361m tall (7ft 8.95in) he is from China.

    Robert Pershing Wadlow (February 22, 1918 – July 15, 1940), according to Guinness World Records, is the tallest person in medical history for whom there is irrefutable evidence. He is often known as the "Alton Giant" because of his Alton, Illinois hometown.

    Wadlow reached an unprecedented 8 feet 11.09 inches (2.72 m) in height and weighed 440 pounds (199 kg) at his death. His great size and his continued growth in adulthood were due to hypertrophy of his pituitary gland which results in an abnormally high level of human growth hormone. He showed no indication of an end to his growth even at the time of his death.


  2. Robert Wadlow is recorded as being the tallest person in the world, 8 feet 11 inches, but there is one person recorded in the Bible being 6 cubits and a span which is about 10½ feet tall. His name is Goliath of Gath, a Philistine. You can read about him in 1 Samuel chapter 17. Robert Pershing Wadlow was born, educated and buried in Alton, Illinois. His height of 8' 11" qualifies him as the tallest person in modern history, as recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. At the time of his death he weighed 490 pounds. By the time he was 8 years old his height had reached 6 feet. Visit the web site below for some more good photos of Robert Wadlow and lots more information about where he lived and his family.

  3. Robert Pershing Wadlow 8ft, 11inches.

  4. Bob Wadlow was probably the tallest American that Western historians are aware of. He stood 8 ft 11 and 1/10 in tall as measured by 2 different doctors in Barnes Hospital, St. louis.

    Goliath of Gath in Hebrew tradition stood some nine and a half feet tall. But actually the oldest known  scrolls date much earlier, and give a picture of simply a "champion" whose height was "four cubits and a span" in tallness-- "arba'a ama echad zeret" as recounted by the Dead Sea Scrolls which date about 1000 years before the concept of a nine-foot Goliath emerged.

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