
Who is owner for this number 08000927205?

by  |  earlier

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in the uk




  1. Axa

    Ring the begger back and ask to be removed!

    I like to ring random numbers

  2. Hi i had that no. keep phoning me so i answered it & it's a company called AXA i told them i couldnt talk as getting ready to go to work as i work nights & told them not to phone me during the day & guess what they kept phoning during the day i had this going on for a week but if you ignore the calls they stop phoning you ! or just answer it & threaten them with harrasment that should stop it ... hope this helps

  3. Telegen.

    Check this web page out...

  4. try this website

  5. Oh good grief, GOOGLE IT! it's the first link.

    You're welcome - do you want me to come round & move your mouse for you, too?

  6. Have a look on here. It seems that a number of people are getting nuisance calls from them

    EDIT: Looks like the calls are from a company called Telegen. Take Steve Adkins advice on there, the 5th comment down lol

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