
Who is paying $15 million for advertisements from

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This organization pops up from nowhere. So it' s not getting funds from people sending them $20 at a time.

Do the people funding this get their money from defese contracts in Iraq? Are they a tool off the Bush adnministration?




  1. doesn't exist so how does that fit in with your conspiracy theory?

  2. mainly gets it's funding from George Soros, the known US hater. does indeed get it's $ from small contributors, and no doubt from large ones as well.

    So, you don't like their message?


    get over it.

    just another Lib whiner

  3. I thought this was an excellent question as I wondered the same thing. Just fiqured it was Bush PR campain.  Search using "Freedomwatch" and you'll get additional info to what I've copied and pasted for you below.

    Using the troops as PR Props

    by TomFitz at Slate

    08/23/2007, 7:40 PM

    As everyone knows by now, the die hard supporters of Mr. Bush and Mr Cheney's war in Iraq have decided that a little Madison Avenue is on order.

    Bush's former press secretary Ari Fleischer is the nominal head of a new organization called FreedomWatch.

    Nominally, FreedomWatch is "an organization dedicated to fighting to protect the ideals and issues that keep America strong and prosperous".

    This organization appeared nearly out of the sheer blue, (the press release announcing the birth of the organization has yesterday's date!).

    And, judging by the cynical and misleading tone of its equally out of the blue, slick and well financed advertising campaign, it has a much more sinister and specific purpose for being.

    Iraq war veterens are paraded as props, their war wounds are used to disguise the patent dishonesty of the message they are carrying.

    Statements like these are typical:

    "they attacked us, they will again,"

    "they won't stop in Iraq.."

    "'s no time to quit, it's no time for politics"

    One has to have pity and sympathy for the man uttering these words from TV screens.

    But one should not do so without examining the facts.

    Hardcore Bush supporters have been playing games with the truth of the Iraq war since the day Cheney launched the sales campaign for it in 2002.

    They claim correctly that Bush never claimed that Sadaam was linked to 9/11 or that Iraq had anything to do with those attacks.

    Yet, the right wing propaganda machine has used every opportunity to insinuate the connection whenever it had the chance, while simultaneously denying that it was doing so.

    Now we have figure of Iraq war veteran John Kreisel mouthing that exact insinuation on television in an advertising campaing sponsored by people closely allied with Bush and Cheney.

    And the last quote is even more pathetic, "it's no time for politics"

    There is no greater or more cynical example of raw politics than these ads.

    Sympathetic veterans who gave their bodies in good faith and service to a lie, being used as props to reinforce those lies.

    Consider who is behind the people who are saying "its not time for politics".

    We have Mel Sembler, longtime Bush/Cheney backer and close confident of d**k Cheney, who functioned as bag man for Scooter Libby's legal defense fund.

    Bradley A. Blakeman, former Deputy Assistant to George W,. Bush and staff member of Gordon C James Public Relations, a Washington PR firm that has close ties to the Administration, and did spin work for Paul Bremmer's CPA in Iraq (presumably, they were one of the firms in charge of manufacturing the "good news").

    Howard Leach, who gave nearly $300,000 to the Bush campaign.

    This "grass roots" group includes a number of other high rollers associated with the Bush/Cheney campaigns.

    This is far from being a spontaneous "grass roots" campaign.

    Even the right wing bloggers are careful not to make that assertions.

    Instead, it is a focused marketing campaign designed to sell a war, distort facts, and distract the public from news which all but debunks the very notion of the possibility of a political settlement in Iraq, the very idea that Bush's surge was based on.

    So, while the "surge" can point to some isolated success, the fact that the largest attack in Iraq since the beginning of the war happened this week, and the fact that even US officials are now all but admitting that the Malaki government is irrelevant, lend the lie to the notion of real progress toward a political solution.

    And the response from this White House and its supporters?

    Mores spin and cynical attempts to mislead and manipulate, this time with soldiers as props.

  4. Would you know why or who Trojan Horse is and why you are coming up as a security risk?

    Depending on your belief system some people may agree that this war was not spent to be a retreat & meaningless effort on behalf of those who support our continued freedoms. Personally, is this any different than the Move.on ad or a candidate like Hillary Clinton making a mockery out of a respected General that has decades of experience?  Those efforts are despicable to me.  There are opposing views here and each has the freedom to be heard. Whether you like it or not, that is your choice.

    Back to the Clinton's. Do you prefer private contributions ???

    Get their emails they are relentless... and some questionable  fund her as opposed to an individual that may have spent his own money on this project they believe in. "Giving" starts at home. The $20 a pop is more like Obama style, Hill takes the $2,300 and then some. If you want depth on both sides of the coin you will find money BETTER spent elsewhere. On that I agree with you. Campaign Reform is taking hold but is still a new concept.  If that was at all implied. Or do you feel there is something criminal about presenting opposing points of view? We have a ways to go until Nov '08. It will get worse. Thank you.

  5. Sort of like George Soros and, eh?

  6. Billionaire George Soros is one of the chief funders of the far left wing. is his baby, among others.

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