
Who is paying for Barack Obama's "World Tour?"?

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One leg of the trip is billed as a "congressional" visit, so presumably this means that Congress foots the bill?

Where will the rest of the money come from, and has this been made public?




  1. I am sure US citizens are.

    I also noticed he doesn't seem to have a real reason for the trip.  Other than to prepare for his possible presidential term.

    Just to vent my spleen, Most of what he seems to say doesn't have much substance to it.  I think he is just good at tickling itching ears.

  2. The mulsim international community want to get a good look at him. They have been funding him all along. Vote for a true American, McCain.

  3. I can't add to what LoRo said, quite succinct !

  4. WASHINGTON — Burnishing his foreign-policy credentials, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is traveling this summer to Iraq and Afghanistan — and the taxpayers are footing the bill.

    His Republican opponent, John McCain, visited Iraq in March, also during the campaign year, and taxpayers financed that trip as well.

    For security reasons, Obama's campaign won't say exactly when the trip will take place. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Obama is allowed to travel the world at government expense to learn firsthand about foreign-policy issues before Congress.

    Separately, Obama plans to visit Europe and the Middle East this summer, with his campaign picking up the costs.

    McCain's visit to Iraq in March was an official trip of the Armed Services Committee. Members of that panel frequently travel abroad to meet with troops and their commanders.

    When Obama's travel was announced, he said the travel would be "an important opportunity for me to assess the situation in countries that are critical to American national security, and to consult with some of our closest friends and allies about the common challenges we face."

    There is no way to estimate the taxpayer cost of Obama's trip in advance, but the cost figures eventually will appear in the Congressional Record as a committee expense report.

    The costs depend on many factors, including whether military aircraft are used, the type of aircraft and the beginning and end points.

  5. his mosque, of course.

    source rush limbaugh

  6. he raised 50 million just last month alone, he can afford it I guess.

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