
Who is paying for Gore's $300 million global warming ad campaign?

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Gore does not have $300 million. Where is this money coming from and what are the motives of those paying it? Real scientific theories do not need $300 million ad campaigns. Why does this one?




  1. Have you asked him?  He has email and all that.  It would seem you'd be more likely to learn the answer that way if this is something you want to know, compared to expecting somebody on Yahoo Answers to know.

  2. Centreville, Va.: Is it possible that Al Gore's huge number of $300 million spent might be a little larger than reality when it's all done? Will any reporter follow up if the budget ends up being a lot less "ambitious" than that?

    And don't you think you could have done more to explain the extent of Gore's newfound personal wealth?

    Juliet Eilperin: I will, of course, monitor the group's spending to see how it turns out. I think you might be confused about the source of funding for the Alliance's campaign. Some of it comes from Gore's personal wealth, but much of it comes from foundations and profits from the ventures he's been involved in. The fact that a former high-ranking politician has made a lot of money since leaving office is nothing new: Rudy Giuliani made a fortune after leaving office, as did Bill Clinton.


    Don't be a hypocritical capitalist! Obviously there are some people willing to purchase products or donate for the environment.

    Oil and coal companies need $100's of millions to advertise. What's wrong with Gore's advertising of SCIENCE?

  3. It's probably coming from all the suckers who bought carbon credits. According to AGW alarmists "everyone" knows about global warming and it's cause, man.  Great points.

  4. wez the peoples of the GREAT USofA's...

  5. Well...there's an awful lot of money to be made from instilling fear in people and then telling them to pay you so you can work on an answer.  He preys mostly on the poorly educated and uninformed and will willingly accept their donations.  He'll steal from anyone.

  6. This particular ad campaign requires such a large amount of money because of efforts by religious fanatics and ignorant folks to deny that global climate could change to such an extent that it could affect civilization.  This has made the issue seem unimportant to people, in general.

    Such drastic changes in climate have happened before and will happen again.  One such period of global warming almost wiped out humans in the past, several thousand years ago, and it seems reasonable to not want that to happen again.  

    The real question is whether or not humans can do anything about what seems to be happening to global weather.  That answer remains unclear.

    Al Gore has said the money will come from his Nobel Peace Prize and the proceeds from his book and movie.  No doubt, there will be other contributors who have an industrial interest in his efforts.

  7. Like all high priests, he will depend on the donations of the faithful.

  8. Because global warming is fake but without it, Gore makes no money whatsoever with his carbon footprint business scheme.

  9. I wouldn't doubt Algore has the wealth.  Remember his families wealth comes from his holdings of Occidental Petroleum, and look at what the price is for a barrel of oil these days.

    It's sweet that he has the ability to talk up global warming, talk down big oil while making profits from both positions!  He may not be as dumb as he's given credit for.

  10. Some people are actually willing to part with some of their money for the good of others.


    Private contributors have already donated or committed half the money needed to fund the entire campaign, he said. While Gore declined to quantify his contribution to the effort, he has devoted all his proceeds from the Oscar-winning documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," the best-selling companion book, his salary from the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers and several international prizes, such as the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize, which add up to more than a $2.7 million. Paramount Classics, the documentary's distributor, has pledged 5 percent of the film's profits to the group, and some of the money raised through the 2007 Live Earth concerts will help the campaign, along with Gore's proceeds from an upcoming book on climate change.

    [end quote]

  11. Lots of people including Gore.

    Every bit of the his profits from his book and movie are going into it.  As well as TWICE his Nobel Prize winnings.

    Global warming is costing him money.

  12. No one throws around $300 million unless they expect to gain something from it.  And I'm not talking about gaining a better environment.  A better question would be who stands to gain the most from running scare ads?  Carbon offset companies for one.  <shock>  Algore has invested in carbon offset companies.  </shock>  So, my 2 guesses are carbon offset companies and George Soros.

    And Tuba, you are high if you think Algore answers real questions like who do you get your funding from?

  13. Alliance for Climate Protection, founded by Al himself.

    Now 300 million could have been used as start up capital for a thin film Photo Voltaic company that could manufacture 200 megawatts of panels per year, having a real impact on GHG's.  Think about it, after 10 years that would be that would be 3.96 terawatt hours of "green" electricity production.  But it's not about real action is it?  What a waste.

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