
Who is paying for all of this stuff?

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This question has been bugging me. When Obama went to the middle east the tax payers paid for it. But when he left his campain paid for him to go his european tour.

My question is President Bush came to Utah a month ago for a private donors meeting. Didnt have a talk, there was only one reason for President Bush to be here. It was so they have a closed door meeting where McCain raised around 250K.

How much did that cost the tax payers? Airforce one had to fly him here, they flew in a cargo plane to take Marine 1 (the helicopter) they also had to fly in his car.

He had no reason to be in Utah other then to make a few bucks for McCain, but did the american public pay more for him to get here? Dont you think they should tell us how much it costs a president to move around to make a hopeful next president what the tax payers are paying?




  1. Well it is to compensate for how little he makes. Sure he makes a lot compared to the working joe schmoe, BUT compare his job to the private sector. He is a CEO in that comparison. They make WAY more then him in salary, and this isn't even going in to the perks.

    Oh and ABOUT Obama(and every other Presidential hopeful) why not ask around some towns, especially small ones, and find out how much money he gave them to make up for them having to put police on OT. Yeah someone needs to provide security, and it is cops that wouldn't have otherwise been working. So the small towns have to give them OT, and I use small towns because they are more likely to ask for their money back. They never see it though.

  2. Your answer is called the Operatins & Maintenence budget.  It costs money in D.C like everywhere else.  Being president of the United States comes with great responsibility but also great perks.  The same with a CEO of a big corporation.  It is called life.  Learn it, live it!

  3. As part of the gross stupidity of the American public we finance everything every politician does. There's probably some kind of regulation on who can spend what for campaign reasons but, rest assured, the bill finally goes to you. Everyone of these lowlife bottom feeders are bleeding money from you to do whatever they want for themselves.

  4. as far as I can tell, any president gets kind of a free pass { on the taxpayer money,of course} to travel around as he sees fit.

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