
Who is paying for child molester's air fares?

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I wonder who is paying for Gary Glitter to be flitting between countries, trying to avoid facing the people of Britain? It's time for the Thai authorities to arrest him and deport him. Not that we want him back!




  1. Hopefully the countries deporting him are paying the fees. It would be an outrage if our tax is paying for him!

  2. His deportation from Vietnam would have been at the expense of the Vietnamese Govt. Similarly with the Thai flight. One of his biggest arguments was that he didn't want to fly 'coach'.

    I believe he is now in Hong Kong, and looking for a place to go other than Britain.

  3. As far as I am aware he had a ticket for Thai Airlines provided by his solicitor in Vietnam.

    It is Thai Airlines responsibility to provide him with a seat on an aircraft, they will probably have airplanes flying on the routes he has used with spare seats and it wouldn't cost them anything to put him on an aircraft.

    They should now realise that no country will allow him entry and not provide him with any alternative except a flight to the UK.

    There was a person who lived at Charles De Gaulle Airport in France for about 10 years who was stuck in this kind of limbo. It was made into a film called 'The Terminal' staring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zita Jones

  4. On the news this morning it said that he had £5M. I'd wondered who was paying for everything until then.

  5. I believe he is paying his own but who really knows, I agree with you we don't want him back but he is better off here where he can be closely monitored rather than in another third world country where he could easily slip the net and continue to ply his filthy deviance's on other innocent children.

  6. he is with royalties from his thriller and bad albums

  7. He is apparently, he has £5 million in the bank so he can afford it.  

  8. The people of Hong Kong don't want him there either. He landed in HK from Bangkok yesterday and was immediately detained and denied entry.  Where he intends to fly from there is anybody's guess.

  9. He also gets £50K a week in royalties

  10. the british press would given half the chance.............!

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