
Who is paying for obama to go to afghanistan.?

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Why is it to become the president of the have to have alot of money?Yet, we have people on the street's with nothing.Is that the american way now day,s?Why not all of us hard working Tax paying american's keep on giveing to these hard working goverment officals free money we make.Thank's

alot for nothing house of reps.




  1. The same mislead government-dependent, anti-USA crowd that  will give him money and vote for his inexperienced ***. He and his followers and most of the democrats in this country are a huge part of the imminent downfall of this once great nation of ours. There are GOP members out there in congress that could care less about us true Americans too. I do not want to be totally  one sided. The way I see it the politicians are just that, politicians. Power and raping of benefits and US coffers is all its about now folks. Get your heads out of the sand. They will be taken care of by YOU the rest of their lives unlike us real people.

  2. I will thank you in Obama's behalf.  Thank you.

  3. You are, assuming you pay taxes.

  4. why is obama going to afghanistan in the first place? Now that he's running for office. How convenient. First he says he's going to end the war, now he wants to stay in there as long as it takes to finish things up. What a jerk.

  5. It's a factfinding trip, sometimes called a junket, though most of the time when people are talking about junkets it involves a trip to some resort or something.

    It doesn't do the taxpayers any harm for members to visit the parts of the world where we are spending a great deal of money.  It might just do some good for a wounded Illinois soldier in Afghanistan to actually get to meet his U.S. Senator. A boost to his morale might help his medical treatment. I'm willing to spend a little to get a wounded soldier out of the hospital and on his way home.

  6. we are through tax payer money

  7. His hope, air plane would crush with him in it.

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