
Who is prettier, Michelle or Sarah?

by Guest62554  |  earlier

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  1. Sarah by far, Michelle looks like a shaved gorilla

  2. You have to ask?


    Rebop - lmao. nice one.

  3. I love women and see the beauty in all... so I can't answer.

  4. Why Sarah of course. Obama looks like Rue Paul.

  5. I'd kick neither out.

  6. sarah by far

  7. Gotta go with Palin, but then, I'm partial to whitish chicks.

    I'd still rather have the Obamas in office this November, however. I hope there aren't too many fools out there that are going to vote with their c**ks. :)

  8. Michelle seems very masculine with strong features such as her mouth which seems contorted or like she is storing something inside for later maybe a lemon wedge.  

    Sarah is an attractive mom at 44 years old with 5 kids.  She has a warm smile & a friendly face.  Unlike Mrs Obamas harsh frown face.

  9. Michelle.

  10. barrack obama by far i just love his lipstick. LOL

  11. Sarah

  12. Sarah is beautiful & intelligent

    Micheel is so angry & butt ugly that Barack sought out Donald Young & Nate Spencer .

  13. Isn't it great that Sarah is so pretty and s**y. If McCain kicks the bucket she can resolve  americas economic issues by selling s*x tapes. And she can make all leaders around the world our allies, and all she has to do is give them the cookie. Outstanding choice. Don't know her but outstanding choice. no experience but outstanding choice. Under investigation but outstanding choice.  

  14. I wonder is she has stretch marks.

    African Americans don't wrinkle as much?

    I'd take HIllary any day. Wrinkles and all.

    McCain only chose her because she ran in a beauty contest.

  15. Michele looks like the moose that are in Sarah's yard!

  16. Sarah.  I'm in love with Sarah!

  17. Sarah - 10

    Michelle - 2

  18. Michelle looks like she has a dip in.. Sarah is by far more attractive but why should that matter..........

  19. Sarah looks like a chunky librarian soccer mom.And she's got a giant turkey waddle. Do not want!  

  20. Both look good for their age,but Sarah edges out Michelle in the looks department while Michelle kicks her butt on the brains department?

    Princeton and Harvard to University of Idaho?

    @ the Fashionopolist, Michelle was also in Vogue and was named the Best Dressed Woman of the Year by Vanity Fair Magazine. So you would really not want to get into a debate over who's been in more fashion magazines. I should also point out that Hillary Clinton and Cindy McCain were also in Vogue. Just because you're on Vogue doesn't make you beautiful.I've seen a lot of not so good looking people on the cover of Vogue

  21. any moron can see that Sarah is way hotter  

  22. Sarah!  She was in Vogue.

  23. Well gee this is a tough

    Sarah. She's pretty and qualified for the Vice President slot.

  24. Hey far as Im concerned if you are married to the same guy for 0ver 20 years and you have 5 kids with him, and actually raise them stretchmarks are a badge of honor.

  25. they are both very attractive, i think that Michelle takes this one,  

  26. Sarah hands down, plus Sarah loves her nation ALL of her life

    McCain in 08  

  27. Sarah.  Michelle is a thick lipped Kenyan lover.

  28. I thought the Republicans didn't want to bring in gender into the matter?  Look at you all answering this highly intellectual question like it was actually serious.  Sad.

  29. Sarah and Todd are BOTH better looking than Obama and the grump he is married to

  30. Sarah by far, Michelle is so filled with anger it makes her very ugly to me.

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