
Who is prettier? with pictures. ?

by Guest34463  |  earlier

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Girl 1:

Girl 2:

Don't worry about feelings. It's just for fun. (:




  1. seriously??


  2. you must be bored and desperate who care of what people think you guys ask these questions and then somebody would say something ignorant and you either get mad or your feelings get hurt!  

  3. im a girl and im not inot girls but judging on whos prettier, i think girl 2 is better she has more of a natural beauty than girl 1

  4. well you both are making stupid faces as everyone else does when they post pictures. And you both look average...about the same.

  5. I pick girl 2...the first girl looked just like one of my ex girlfriends who cheated on me, so I do have a bit of a bias on the second.

  6. your friends already posted this, and im going to say the same thing. its retarded that you and your friends are posting this. pls stop, and both of you are equally pretty.

  7. Girl 1 but both of you are beautiful. I just love her eyes.

  8. both are really cute.

    first girl has good quality pics, and the other one is making faces/cant really see face in pics, so based on that i would have to say girl #1 is prettier!.

    if you are one of the girls..... whichever one it is, you are CUTE!

  9. 2, the the rest are really pretty aswell :)

  10. You are prettier! Girl no 1! :D

    Answer mine plz:;...

  11. Uhmm, you can't really say whose prettier, because you look nothing alike.

    You both have different looks, making you two different beauties.

  12. the first one's a **** and the second one is ok

    i only find japanese girls pretty

  13. Both are very pretty in different ways. Girl one has a pretty face & nice eyes and girl two has gorgeous hair.

  14. girl 2 i think girl one is pretty also though

  15. Probably #1, but it's hard to tell because #2 is making faces.  

  16. 1

    but both look preatty

  17. Girl number 1

  18. idk i think maybe girl one in the first pic

    but girl 2 is pretty as well!

    can u help me?;...

  19. number 1...r u fishing for compliments to make yourself feel better?

  20. I think they both look very pretty. But they both alike. I hope they're not the same girls lol

    But anyways they both are very pretty, I don't wanna be the bad guy and judge


  21. definitely the second girl!

  22. number 2 is prettier

    but number one is pretty too!


  23. well its hard to say, i think i may need more pictures to say for sure. i will say though, its a very close match thus far

  24. Seriously both girls look almost exactly the same...BUT, I think if I were to date either one, I'd date girl number 2 because she looks like more fun.  Whereas girl number 1 looks like she'd be too worried about what everyone around is thinking to do anything new and exciting.

  25. both are really pretty ahh i cant choose


  26. well the first pic of #1 is pretty; i think #2 is very pretty but could have included a better picture

  27. Totally girl 1..

    this is me.

    (not that you care.)

  28. I actually like both a lot. But If I HAVE to pick it's be girl one.

  29. both are very pretty, i cant really see the secong girl, bad pics. so im gonna say the first girl, but both are very pretty

  30. 1

  31. beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so everyone is going to have a different reason why they see either girl 1 or girl 2 as the prettiest.

    give it a few years, I'm sure both of you will look very different than you do now. it'd probably be a better idea to try to work on improving your mind rather than worrying about how the outside of you looks. you'll only have your looks for maybe 20 more years; after your looks are gone you'll need something to fall back on...

    if you really want to know who's prettier, just remember that there's always someone prettier than you out there. so the answer is: girl number 3.

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