
Who is really going to be president if the Dem's. Win?

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Biden lost in the primaries, but now the democrats thought he would be smarter, more experienced and OLDER

This is the oddest election I've ever seen. When the VP draws more experience and knowledge than the President.




  1. You wont hear about it on the Obama media but it wont be long before Joe and Michelle are at each others throats. They are both tacist and the fire has just been ignited

  2. The DNC. They're the ones who finally shut Michele up, by making her disappear, write every word Obama says in his speeches, and on the teleprompters, and Biden is a known hateful and racist person. Is that Obama's goal to have a white racist against blacks, to counteract his black racism against whites?

    He picked the right man for the job of VP then! But no matter, they're both racists. Neither will run America, and neither is good for us either.

  3. In this campaign unlike some past years, the VP spot is more important than ever.

    Biden's record (as plagiarized from Wikipedia):

    In September 1987, the campaign ran into trouble when he plagiarized a speech. It was also discovered that, while law student at Syracuse Law School, Biden had plagiarized a law review article.

    I wonder whom McCain will pick and will he shoot his foot off with a candidate too!

  4. I agree. Biden received a total of a little over nine thousand vote  from three states in the primary..Hillary Clinton got over 18 million votes and  was even ask or vetted for V.P. spot. And she smarter than both of the put  them together. I am a Republican  and lot of us agree that Hillary got shafted big time.  I really fell sorry for her. I really do .But grateful  to her ,had she run It would have been very hard to beat her. So ,the Democrats have the "dream Team" we wanted, and still don't know how

    we got so lucky.  

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