
Who is responsible for covering a preschool classroom when a teacher has requested vacation time?

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Is it the teacher's job to cover her classroom or should the director schedule for a sub? Should teachers be denied time off if the center can't provide a sub?




  1. It is the Director's job to make sure the classroom is covered. Most personnel practices say that there are procedures for requesting vacation and may limit the number of staff who may take vacation at any one time. The Assistant Teacher may be left in charge but then you still need a sub to cover that position and stay in ratio. If you feel you are being treated unfairly contact the Labor Department. A lot will depend on the written policies.

  2. The director should

  3. It seems to be very difficult to keep a list of qualified subs to fill in for teachers for personal time (vacations, sick days, personal days).  I've been very fortunate in working for centers where if I couldn't find someone to fill in for me, my supervisor or director was always able to find someone to cover my time.  I don't think teachers should be denied time off because of a lack of subs.  Management should be recruiting and training staff at all times to maintain a sub list, and if no one can fill in for a teacher, the director should cover the time herself.  That's my opinion!

  4. the teacher assistant

  5. The responsibility should be on the staffing director. If they are any good, they will have backups ready for such things. However, it can help things run smoothly if that teacher already has a suggestion for coverage. It makes them a better employee if they can be part of the solution.

    The request may be difficult in a situation where holidays are concerned when many people want off. in that case: emergencies, then, first come. For those of you who seem to always take off, try to make someone happy for a change, volunteer to stay. Life for all will be easier.

  6. Its the directors job to STAFF (hire-fire-schedule) the organization.  

    Should teachers be denied time for the failure of the director to do their job?  NO.  

    The board of directors/owner should be notified.

  7. depends on the school or organization

    some require the teacher to find their own sub

    some have a ready supply of subs( i actually got one of the best jobs i ever had this way--- i started as a summer sub and wound up as a full time teacher

    some schools have an assistant director or director who may hire or move an other teacher to replace a reg teacher and have the regular assistant move up to acting teacher or the director or assistant director will take over

    just go to the person in charge of your school and see what their requirements are

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