
Who is responsible for global food crisis developing or developed nations?

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all over the world is facing the problem of inflation. developed countries are blaming developing countries like INDIA and CHINA for it true?




  1. The real culprit is corn based fuels. The solution is simple pump and refine oil and leave corn and grains used for ethanol production for the food supply.

  2. It's Bush and his dam Republicans who are responsible for dumb choices in the way they run the country! We pull out of that war and we might be able to fix our country! I doubt it because People's ''Faith'' might still be with the Republicans who will turn on them after elections!

  3. Beings from other planets.

  4. Each nation should develop the means to produce food for its own population and should not expect a free lunch from others.  Since 1970, the price of wheat has risen from $2 per bushel to $12 per bushel whereas the input costs for oil have risen from $2 per barrel to $140 per barrel. Developed nations have kept the price too low for too long and have reduced the incentive for importing  nations to develop their own agriculture.  In fairness to producers, the price for cereal crops should rise in proportion to other comodities such as oil.  The nations with food problems have themselves to blame for lack of emphasis on self-suficiency.

  5. The  growth in the economies in India and China has increase the demand for food, but consumers are not usually held responsible when supply fails to keep up with demand and prices increase. The supply shortfall is due to a perfect storm of causes all hitting at the same time. The increase in the price of oil which is used for fertilizer as well as operating machinery, the US bio fuels program, crop failures  in important  food growing regions, and previous  policies in developed nations to  subsidizes farmers making food so cheap that   farmers in poor countries stopped producing.

  6. I think the whole world is.  Nations with bad governments (Sudan) are not caring for the people and not putting any funding into the education and well-being of their youth and starving.  Also, developed countries should help by increasing in funding for the smaller, struggling nations to make sure there is enough food to go around.

    So, it is the government that is responsible.

  7. Bio fuels and food for meat programs.

    As mass population in India and China is getting richer, they are eating more and better food. many people are switching to meat rather then plain rice. We all know producing  1kg of meat require at least 7-8 kg of grain. But people can afford that and hence, the shortfall and increasing prices.

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