
Who is responsible for the Violation Warnings?

by  |  earlier

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I get them from nonsense answers. Yet admittedly I can make an obnoxious insulting yet not use foul language and they have no problem with that. Then if I write or even make a violation (can't call it appeal because I don't but I do tend to ask why and just who is involved in reporting it) and I have yet to receive a reply. So are the top contributors the ones with the power or do they actually pay someone? Just my finding but top contributors on all these sites are often tyrants and simply home bound people stewing in hate and jealousy. Not all, but many. Seems that Yahoo should reply at least to the extent of reciving even if they don't othyerwise respond.




  1. Take a violation as a compliment - usually means you pissed someone off enough by a truth they can't stand to hear - I just chuckle when I picture some lamebrain with nothing better to do than get annoyed with a total stranger.......the fact that it usually happens in regards to religion and feminism only adds to the humor.

  2. Try being one of those people saddled with watching over a site like this that handles hundreds of thousands of comments. Then, you have to deal with the complaints and violations! I had a warning once and was given a chance for a rebuttal which I did. It took a while, but those powers that be took my side and corrected somebody elses (probably a contributor hothead) wrong. It does not matter if you use foul language or not like you intoned. Sounds like somebody stepped on your toes when you exhibited bad taste.

  3. Just normal people report the questions and answers that get violation warnings. You don't get reported for other questions, because they just get through the cracks.

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