
Who is responsible for the current mess the American economy is in?

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a) government

b) business

c) citizens

d) other _______________ please specify




  1. d)  The Federal Reserve.

    The Fed has reportedly printed over $4 TRILLION in new currency over the past 3 years (imagine the inflation...see Operation Bernhard for example)  This is why our Dollar is being devalued rather quickly (ie: 50% increase in $/barrel of oil over 4 years).  You could see this criminal activity if you look at the M3 chart which the Federal Reserve posted publicly until 2006.  Then they silently halted the publication of this important tool that measures the amount of currency in wonder why? .... they are covering up their criminal activity.  If only you could see the 2008 M3 chart, you would have an idea of what they are up to.

    BTW...the Federal Reserve is a private entity.  It is not controlled nor regulated by the government.  Even the president who gave the Federal Reserve their power has admitted great remorse by stating the following:

    "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world - no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."  

    ~ President Woodrow Wilson 1919

  2. d) humans

    Economies fluctuate like waves in an ocean

    Economies are sometimes inflated by hysterical euphoria and deflated by neurotic depression

    Economies are as unpredictable as humans

    Its all about people and their feelings - what they call "market sentiment"

  3. a)government

    Bush Administration

  4. the american populace and our wasteful and selfish attitudes.

  5. A, C, and D.

    The government deregulated the mortgage industry which made speculators move there.

    Citizens spend beyond their means. An average American is $7,000 in credit card debt.

    Greenspan also made giving bad mortgages very easy, and Bernanke lowered interest rates to the point where now inflation is inevitable, which is why people are speculating on oil and other commodities.

  6. a...all the way.

  7. C  People taking out mortgages they couldn't afford or could barely afford.  Buying huge wastefull vehicles when they don't need them.  We made our bed, now we have to sleep in it.

  8. The biggots and racists are responsible.

  9. Oh good lordy!!!

    This is way too vague a question!  How do you define mess?  Are you referring to the housing crisis?  The recession (or potential recession depending on who you listen to)?  The high cost of gasoline in the US?  Just what is the mess?

    (I doubt I answered your question.  If this is for a class I think you need clarification.  If it is your own musings you need to really think about what you are asking.  Sorry)

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