
Who is responsible for the shortage/damage to consignemnt after high sea sale?

by  |  earlier

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my point is suppose a trader imports oil & then sell it on high sea sale basis. On receipt of oil it is found that there is shortage of oil. In this case whether the loss due shortage is to be beared by the buyer(high sea sale basis) or the seller




  1. This question is posted in the section for INSURANCE.

    My guess is that the people who would know about the term "high sea sale" are found in the section for LAW & ETHICS.  

    That is only my guess, but you probably will not find people here in this section who can help you.

    My immediate guess is that if a person buys something, that person should get what he paid for.  Also, the person who shipped it should be able protect it with insurance.  If you did not get what you paid for, my hope is that the person who put up the consignment is responsible for making good on what he represented it to be.

    My guess.

    The lawyers in the LAW & ETHICS section may provide an answer that is much better than my simplistic guess.

    Hope you think it is a worthwhile suggestion.

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