
Who is responsible for the state of the US economy?

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When will interest rates start inching up to help this situation?




  1. The Federal Reserve a private corporation.

  2. Bush

  3. If you think the economy is bad, the Republicans are at fault,  If you think it is good, the Democrats get the credit.  It depends on your personal affiliation and circumstances.

    If you lined up every so called  economic expert in the country, the only consistent answer you would get would be based on party affiliation and personal circumstances.

    Someone who just lost their job has a different view then someone who just had a promotion.

    Do a test on the answers you get.  Is party affiliation apparent or no?

  4. Bush, and the republican controlled congress that was in power for so long.  It take a few years to s***w things up, and as long to fix them.

  5. The Federal Reserve

    Read "The Creature from Jeckyll Island" to learn just how exactly this bogus institution is responsible for it.

  6. Federal Reserve and the central bankers.

  7. At this time whoever is setting the price of oil is putting a crunch on the economy because the price of gas or diesel is driving up the cost of everything shipped and sold.  Also, I think the goons who signed up unqualified people for mortgages are responsible.  All that lying and deceit has ripped the economy.

  8. There is no who. No one person or entity really controls the economy. The economy ebbs and flows based on a complex series of events and stimuli. Currently the biggest threat to the economy exists due to high oil prices. This is because oil is intrinsically tied to the economy and has an effect on prices across the board. here again though, there is no secret cabal controlling the price. What there is are speculators betting that there will be reduced supply based on increased demand around the world.

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