
Who is responsible for the war in Ossetiya?

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Who is responsible for the war in Ossetiya?




  1. Saakashvili.

  2. Georgia is agressor, it declare war against Ossetiya

  3. I think it can be put onto the US administration and Condi Rice for stirring the Georgian Muslims up for over 2 years and making promises to them they had no intention of honouring.

    Promises of entry into NATO and E.U., defence treaties, and giving them arms and funding. Then they, unsurprisingly, attack the Christian population of South Ossetya.

    Well now the Russians have responded. They are calling America's bluff.

    Are you ready to send your troops into Georgia and support Islamic terrorists who were attempting another ethnic cleansing?

    Are you ready to engage the Russian Army in a ground war on their own border while you are half the world away?

    While you are short on oil, and they have plenty of oil?

    Are you ready to really test your technology against them when their war toys are just as fancy as yours are?

    I think you will just abandon Georgia, offering only Condi's brave words of condolence, and show how hollow American promises of support really are.

    Or will you tell your NATO allie Turkey to invade Georgia in turn?

    I doubt that will happen.

    Russia would have been quite happy to ignore Georgia. They had been ignoring them for years. Except for South Ossetya there really is not much of interest in Georgia.

    But when your State Department geeks decided to attack the pipeline from Asia into Europe that runs through there you really left the Russians no choice but to respond.

    (and Saakashvili and his Georgian govt is nothing but a U.S. State Department pawn)

  4. georgia was killing people in ossetiya  so  its got to be georgia  they want georgia for the georgians,

  5. Georgia's not killing the Ossetian people, some Nothern aircrafts are. I wonder who they belong to? i'd laugh at this if it wasn't too tragic.  

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