
Who is responsible to repair / replace my faulty IPOD 3 months after purchase ?

by  |  earlier

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bought it from and they say I have to contact Apple as 30 days has passed and it is their policy to only replace / repair within 30 days of purchase. I was under the impression that under UK consumer Law within the guarantee of 1 year my contract is with Amazon and not apple and it should therefore be Amazon who deal with the problem, I have pointed this out to Amazon who said that their policy still stands ? Who is correct here ? I don't have an issue contacting Apple but I believe Amazon are doing something wrong here . . . .




  1. Your contract is with the person or shop you bought it from not the manufacturer. Any action you need to take to remedy this is with them, they are the ones you gave your money to.

    Under the Sale of Goods Act you are given the right to expect a reasonable lifetime for the product you bought. Clearly you would expect an ipod to last more than 3 months. Few suppliers appear to want to admit knowledge of the Sale of Goods Act but if you look it up and quote it they will have to listen.

  2. We had a problem with Amazon and called, unfortunately we got through to their USA call centre, this is where you may be finding your problem.  Under UK law the contract is with Amazon and you should expect your Ipod to last for a REASONABLE period.  I would say it is more than reasonable to expect it to last more than 3 months.  You need to go back to Amazon and try and make sure that you speak to someone from the UK.

  3. If Amazon is stating the 30 day limit in writing or adverts on the web then they are breaking the law and should be reported to trading standards

  4. You should have a guarantee in the box of your ipod with the manufacturer they should be the 1s u send it back to

  5. In the UK Amazon is responsible as you purchased it from them!

    You are entitled to a full refund or a new replacement one!

  6. See this Q in the link below -

    Q. A customer comes back to me about faulty goods purchased seven years ago. Do I have to do anything?

    A. A customer has up to six years to make a claim against a trader for breach of contract.

  7. I think that you are correct amazon should replace it or at the very least arrange repair/replacement through apple for you .The law (in laymans term)states that the item purchased must be good for the purpose you bought it for a year unless neglect by yoiu can be proven.

    if amazon won't help then contact apple explain the situation to them and then complain to amazon about there shoddy service.

  8. You bought the iPod from Amazon, not Apple. It may well be their policy, but if it is, it happens to be at odds with UK consumer law. Take alook at this website, it should help. Bottom line is....take no s**t from Amazon.

  9. Strictly speaking you can return it to them within 6 months for a full refund, as it is they who have to show the goods were of merchantable quality. after 6 months you would have to show it. As they are an online retailer, though, you would still have to get it back to them if you wanted it repaired and you may as well send it to apple if thats the case...

    You may need to moan and whinge...

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