
Who is right? israel or palestine?

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from all that i have heard and read, it seems that jewish people were given land in palestine by europeans to compensate for what hitler did to them and they in turn began to opress the palestinians. but i have not heard the other version as in how israel justifies its presence in palestine and how they justify their occupation of palestinian land, can anybody enlighten me?




  1. Palestine, no doubt.

    Don't you ever watch those videos posted here, son?

    OK, I'll do you some good.

    Google/Yahoo this:

    YouTube suffering Palestinian video Israel

    This here is what you get:

    Results 1 - 50 of about 286,000

    That's 286,000 videos for Christ's sakes!!!

    Do you need more proof son? click here

    I rest my case.

  2. The native people of Palestine. The Israeli are nothing but a new colonists.

  3. Anti semitism was spread out not only in Europe but also in the middle east, Muslims tortured Jews just as Europe did, Jews were brutally murdered in Muslim lands as well as in Palestine, the Palestinian grand mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin Al Husseini met with Hitler Himler and Von Ribbentrop in 1941 in order to discuss the "Final Solution", the plan was to build death camps in the middle east, he also organized riots against Jews in the 1930's and he sent back a train with thousands of kids who came to enter Palestine in order to escape the n**i's back to die in the death camps.

    Pogroms in Palestine started as early as 1921 and in 1912 there was a big massacre of Jews in Muslim countries.

    More then that, over 50% of the Jewish population in Israel today are decendants of Jews who had to flee Muslim countries is the middle east do to violance, the real estate they left behind is over 4 times the size of Israel  and the property they left behind is worth today billions of dollors.

    Israel is actually only 20% of Palestine, if they really wanted land they would be fighting for the large part - Jordan - 80% of Palestine.

    This war is not about land and it never was, a Jewish state is something unacceptable for Muslims, they need to be in complete control, that is why they had the dimmhi in their countries, in order to keep the Jews and Christians on the low at all times.

    You take this info and make whatever conclution you like.

  4. jews are right, but they both are doing some wrong. jews have the main right to the land because in the beginning that is where the jews were. just read the tanach. anyways israel which used to be considered palestine used to be considered canaan. there needs to be some peace though but israelis have a right to their land.

  5. I am the Jewish G-d

    Jews are right.

    I gave them the land


  6. Actually most of the land was purchased with money by Jews before Israel was formed.  Hence it made sense to create a country so they could have self-rule.  Around 800,000 Jews were kicked out of Arab lands, & around 700,000 left (only a much smaller number were forced out).  So it was basically a people swap.   And most of those Arabs moved into the area AFTER the Jews because they'd brought good economics (as evidenced by census before then.)

    The version you heard supports an Arab ideology that the whole of the middle east belongs to them.  Even though Jews have been living them for over 3000+ years, they don't have a right to self-rule if it means nipping a piece out of the Arab empire to be built.

    FYI, not all Arabs support that imperalist view, & do support Israel's right to exist.  It's time to move past rightness & look for viable solutions.  Supporting the more violent ideal of erradiating Israel, doesn't bring peace.  

    Actually during Olso, the paradigm had shifted to looking for solutions.  Sadly, it's shifted back (set back) in time by 40 years.  (As commented by an Arab in the Lebanese Star.)

    What you're hearing about "stolen" is the latest propoganda in a war.


    John E

    Those Arab Christians in PA are being treated badly by the Muslims!!!  Get your facts straight.  They are being run out of the area by their neighboring PA Arabs.  They turn to Israel for protection from time to time...

  7. It has nothing to do with Hitler; zionism began circa 1897 and when the jewish Agency was established in 1920 it openly declared it's intention of flooding Palestine with "secular" jews and forcing out the people of Palestine. That is a quarter of a century before your holocaust bit.  I believe in political self-determination. I don't care how much money the Brits got in war loans from Maurice Rothschild,this land belongs to it's people - the Palestinians.  

  8. The fact that Isra'el exists is a miracle, that should tell you that Isra'el

    the Land is an appointed Land. Everyone can fight as much as they like, but Isra'el will go straight back to Isra'el.

  9. well I'm Jewish so i believe the Israelis they should have the land and people are saying the Jews are destroying the land and killing poeple from Palestine and whatever its not true and if Jews didn't do anything they would be killed (by Palestine)  and if the Jews weren't in Israel the only place for them to go would be America (and maybe England) and they don't deserve to be kicked out of another place for no reason  


  11. they are both right. go pick your Bible and read all, especially OT and you will be enlightened enough in the end.

  12. who is right? israel or palestine?

    Neither and both

  13. Very simple Israel!

  14. Maybe Palestine because the Israelian should forget the bad pastime and think about the future.  

  15. israel is right

  16. open a textbook! or just a book, period. israel was not a compensation! the british occupied the area during wwii. they wanted help from the jews and arabs living there. there were jews there before the creation of israel because the jews have always considered it the land G-d gave to them. They lived there a long time ago also (during the romans, etc and i'll assume you know about the two temples). that's just a side point, so during wwii the british promised land to those who helped them and they made contradicting promises to both sides. in the end, when they left after wwii, the land was divided between the arabs and jews and the state of israel was created (im guessing you know about the UN voting). arabs were unwilling to accept the official jewish presence there and attacked in what is known as the war of independence. (before the creation of the state, there were many attacks on settlers as well, the animosity wasn't new). this was followed by the yom kippur war, the six day war ,none of which were started by the israelis. to answer your question directly, they don't need to justify anything because they aren't occupying "palestinian land" as you call it. it belonged to the british and then the israelis. and they didn't oppress anyone, they would have been content to live peacefully, but they had to defend themselves.

  17. Of course Palestine.

    How is it that there is anti-semitism in France, England, Spain, Italy, Germany, Russia, Poland, USA, Egypt, Turkey etc, etc, etc,  and all of the time it's not the jews' fault?

    Can you accuse each and every country of anti-semitism?

    Why all countries of the world have anti-semitics?

    Think for a second.

    Why everyone is wrong except the jews?

    Think about it for another second.

    Why the average  French citizen is anti-semitic exactly the same way like the average British anti-semitic person?

    Surely there is something wrong and I don't think every one is wrong except the jews.

    Only this time they have gone over the line.

    Killing little babies, pregnant mothers, school girls, hand cuffed prisoners, elderly people, bulldozing homes and villages in order to build some 15th century walls around them, in 2008, is just too much!

    We must stop them from destroying that land because it is supposed to be holy and they are unable to rule it. Period.

    bye bye

  18. I wasn't going to answer this question but after reading the comment about how the whole world is antisemitic cos the Jews have gone to far I felt I simply must answer.

    Right if you want history wise after the Israelites left Egypt (I'm religious so I believe g-d brought them to the promised land but I'm trying to give it from a non religious view) they came to Canaan which is modern day Israel. So they were living in Israel and then the Romans invaded and kicked them out basically.

    So time passes and Israel is 'owned' by many different countries and there are many wars like when the crusaders came and they killed both Jews and Muslims in Jerusalem...but anyway World War 1 or just after its about then. The Turkish are in Jerusalem and the British come along and kick them out of it so Israel for the time being is under British Mandate, at the End of World War Two (after some more fighting in Israel) the British give Israel to the UN who then give it to the Jewish people for different reasons:

    1. They didn't feel safe going back to countries whose people had so cruelly cast them out.

    2. They didn't feel safe living on a continent which the n***s had turned antisemitic

    3. In Jewish Scriptures G-d promises the Holy Land (Israel) to the Jews

    1. Reason to agree with a Jewish state:

    Israel is the only country in the world where the majority of the population is Jewish and is the only country in the world where Judaisim is the national religion. Yet there are 21 Muslim states, so the Jews are fighting to have 1 state and the Muslims are fighting to make it 22 states...not exactly fair or thats what I personally think.

    I know that for all 3 monothestic religions Israel is a Holy place but its the Jews holiest place since thats where it originates from sort of like what Mecca is for the Muslims or the Vatican is for Catholics.

    The city where I live, there aren't many Jews and yet we have a synagogue albeit it's closed. Yet we do have a very strong Muslim population and a now very strong Catholic population (mainly due to the Polish workers) and everyone just gets along and works together it's like the big major city next to mine they have 1 of the biggest Jewish communities in England, they also have a big Muslim and Christian community and all of them get on with each other and work together.

    The thing is killing over this piece of land no matter how holy it is, is ridiculous and I'm sorry if I offend anyone by saying this but if you are being commanded to kill people just because they're different from you in my eyes thats just the same as what the n***s done and it's not something you should be proud of at all. Yes at times war is inevitable like the 2nd World War if we didn't fight then the world would have either been speaking German and have most of the population dead for not being Blonde and Blue eyed and the other half would have been speaking Japanese.  

    Both sides have to realise that the other side has needs and they really need to talk about it but for me I support Israel I don't agree with the killing but I do agree with the fact that they have a right to exist and have a state in which to live without fear of being blown up.

  19. depends who you ask, but after searching this topic extensively , you will see that israel is right, and israel belongs to the jewish people ,has always and will always.israel does not occupy any ones land, here is the truth.A common misperception is that all the Jews were forced into the Diaspora by the Romans after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in the year 70 C.E. and then, 1,800 years later, suddenly returned to Palestine demanding their country back. In reality, the Jewish people have maintained ties to their historic homeland for more than 3,700 years.

    The Jewish people base their claim to the Land of Israel on at least four premises: 1) the Jewish people settled and developed the land; 2) the international community granted political sovereignty in Palestine to the Jewish people; 3) the territory was captured in defensive wars and 4) God promised the land to the patriarch Abraham.

    Even after the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem and the beginning of the exile, Jewish life in the Land of Israel continued and often flourished. Large communities were reestablished in Jerusalem and Tiberias by the ninth century. In the 11th century, Jewish communities grew in Rafah, Gaza, Ashkelon, Jaffa and Caesarea.

    The Crusaders massacred many Jews during the 12th century, but the community rebounded in the next two centuries as large numbers of rabbis and Jewish pilgrims immigrated to Jerusalem and the Galilee. Prominent rabbis established communities in Safed, Jerusalem and elsewhere during the next 300 years. By the early 19th century — years before the birth of the modern Zionist movement — more than 10,000 Jews lived throughout what is today Israel.1 The 78 years of nation-building, beginning in 1870, culminated in the reestablishment of the Jewish State.

    Israel's international "birth certificate" was validated by the promise of the Bible; uninterrupted Jewish settlement from the time of Joshua onward; the Balfour Declaration of 1917; the League of Nations Mandate, which incorporated the Balfour Declaration; the United Nations partition resolution of 1947; Israel's admission to the UN in 1949; the recognition of Israel by most other states; and, most of all, the society created by Israel's people in decades of thriving, dynamic national existence.

    “Nobody does Israel any service by proclaiming its 'right to exist.'

    Israel's right to exist, like that of the United States, Saudi Arabia and 152 other states, is axiomatic and unreserved. Israel's legitimacy is not suspended in midair awaiting acknowledgement....

    There is certainly no other state, big or small, young or old, that would consider mere recognition The term "Palestine" is believed to be derived from the Philistines, an Aegean people who, in the 12th Century B.C.E., settled along the Mediterranean coastal plain of what are now Israel and the Gaza Strip. In the second century C.E., after crushing the last Jewish revolt, the Romans first applied the name Palaestina to Judea (the southern portion of what is now called the West Bank) in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel. The Arabic word "Filastin" is derived from this Latin name.

    The Hebrews entered the Land of Israel about 1300 B.C.E., living under a tribal confederation until being united under the first monarch, King Saul. The second king, David, established Jerusalem as the capital around 1000 B.C.E. David's son, Solomon built the Temple soon thereafter and consolidated the military, administrative and religious functions of the kingdom. The nation was divided under Solomon's son, with the northern kingdom (Israel) lasting until 722 B.C.E., when the Assyrians destroyed it, and the southern kingdom (Judah) surviving until the Babylonian conquest in 586 B.C.E. The Jewish people enjoyed brief periods of sovereignty afterward before most Jews were finally driven from their homeland in 135 C.E.

    Jewish independence in the Land of Israel lasted for more than 400 years. This is much longer than Americans have enjoyed independence in what has become known as the United States.4 In fact, if not for foreign conquerors, Israel would be 3,000 years old today.

    Palestine was never an exclusively Arab country, although Arabic gradually became the language of most the population after the Muslim invasions of the seventh century. No independent Arab or Palestinian state ever existed in Palestine. When the distinguished Arab-American historian, Princeton University Prof. Philip Hitti, testified against partition before the Anglo-American Committee in 1946, he said: "There is no such thing as 'Palestine' in history, absolutely not."

    Prior to partition, Palestinian Arabs did not view themselves as having a separate identity. When the First Congress of Muslim-Christian Associations met in Jerusalem in February 1919 to choose Palestinian representatives for the Paris Peace Conference, the following resolution was adopted:

    We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds.

    In 1937, a local Arab leader, Auni Bey Abdul-Hadi, told the Peel Commission, which ultimately suggested the partition of Palestine: "There is no such country [as Palestine]! 'Palestine' is a term the Zionists invented! There is no Palestine in the Bible. Our country was for centuries part of Syria."

    The representative of the Arab Higher Committee to the United Nations submitted a statement to the General Assembly in May 1947 that said "Palestine was part of the Province of Syria" and that, "politically, the Arabs of Palestine were not independent in the sense of forming a separate political entity." A few years later, Ahmed Shuqeiri, later the chairman of the PLO, told the Security Council: "It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

    Palestinian Arab nationalism is largely a post-World War I phenomenon that did not become a significant political movement until after the 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's capture of the West Bank.

  20. The problem of this whole thing has an answer:

    It's not who owns the land. Maybe the Jews won a fair fight 60 years ago.

    The problem is of how they treat those unfortunate residents of Palestine that had been living there for thousands of years.

    So it's not a matter of  a "divine contract" since the Muslims have nothing to do with that.

    To me the Jews have shown total incompetence in ruling a country.

    Their leaders prefer to use that never ending US dollar source for their personal vices and habits, showing the true colors of the Jewish Psyche, their soldiers have almost God-like authority on Palestinian subjects, something totally against each and every human right  so far and they have made vast green spaces into desert, destroying orchards, vines, uprooting each and every tree on their way in order to build illegal settling accommodations.

    The Jews on that land pay ridiculous amounts of tax money.

    Tourists on a cruise visiting Israel after some g*y and happy Greek Islands destinations can tell you about the misery and bad mood that exists on that land,spoiling the fun of the cruise at once.

    So in order to make a long story short, definately the Jews are unable to cope with ruling a country. Building walls around it is a medieval way of ruling.

    The Palestinians have every right to claim back that land, because they love it. Without nukes, pesticides, chemical industries,just like our Lord Jesus Christ would prefer to walk on it.

    Don't you forget that many Palestinians are Christians!



    If I am not mistaken the leader of the Palestinian side is  Orthodox Christian. So I believe Christian Palestinians are regarded highly among the Arabs.

  21. America should stop funding them both with millions of dollars... then they will both seek peace with each other and stop the feuding over land issues ... this will give them no choice but to shake hands and get along.

  22. OK here's my answer:


    Because these guys are right. For sure.


  23. Palestine is the old name for Israel. There is no occupation, the occupations ended in 1967, parts of Israel were occupied by Jordan and Egypt from 1948 to 1967. There are no refugees, these so called refugees are arabs who followed orders of their leaders to leave Israel if they did not want to take part in annihilating the Jews as they were ordered to in 1948 and promised swift victory.

  24. The 'justification' for Israelis occupying this land stems from the time of the Old Testament. It was said that after Moses helped free the Jews from Egyptian slavery and oppression, that God granted them the land of Canaan, often referred to as the "Promised Land". This land of Canaan was the very place which Israel is today. Eventually, the Jews were expelled from Canaan by the Romans. Zionists have believed for centuries that the Jewish people would once again reclaim their divinely granted lands. There are other political reasons for the Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands, but the Biblical reason is used as a justification and a catalyst for other decisions made that led to what has been a controversial debate, and a long, bloody conflict.

  25. mine is 42

    oh wait..Bob..we're not referring to terry pratchett's answer as to what is the meaning of life,are we? oh well i'll answer J D than.

    there is no right side or wrong side here,there is only your own take on this conflict.

    israeli claim: we've been here before you ,the land is ours (+some other reasons).

    palestinian claim: we've been here before you,the land is ours.

    now choose your side ,lol.

    there is no straight forward answer really,friend.


    i'd hate for you to form an opinion on this conflict based on  the answers here.i say learn about it from unbiased sources.this forum is hardly one..


    being an israeli ,i'm in line with the israeli take  :)

  26. Jews!

    Palastines only goal is to kill, torture, murder, and make life harder for us! We both want the same thing for the same reason and look at the difference! They start, we just defend ourselves! They want to cause pain for us, we just want them to leave us alone! Just give us a break! We have it for a reason!

  27. Its not about land or history. Every country could do that. The problem is a small group of child killers called amas who occupy Gaza. Every day they launch rockets at the kindergardens in Israel. No one wants them there but the Gaza people are powerless. Hopeful Fatah the Palestian government can eliminate them soon for ever. Then peace for all.

  28. Israelis

    And as a Lebanese, as you know our country is swarmed by palestinians too, get them out of here please .

  29. Doesn't matter who is right or wrong, the jews think they are right and the Palestinians think they are right. It will all come down, but not til the very end. It is a wa that has been going on for centuries, most of cannot make sense of it, but interesting question.

  30. They are both rightly retarded.

  31. The truth is that before Yassir Arafat came along and started the PLO, the people living in Palestine were the Jews. They were called "The Jews of Palestine." A little known fact, the Palestinians were actually the Jewish people living in Palestine. Arafat encouraged the Arabs living there to claim Palestine. Israel it is.

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