
Who is right ?my sister is mad at me because i did not let her put her thing on my bed.

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i just made my bed and she put her dirty stuff on my bed. and we argue ,i took a long time doing making my bed and my back breaks when i do it.then she got sooooooooo mad and my sister said'' i am not your sister anymore''and i said debbie'' she ignore me, i felt soooooo sad and hurt and she said i never will forgive you even if you said 100 or more sorry.she ignore me and i need to be forgive..what do i have to do.who is right? who is wrong?




  1. She needs to clean her stuff off of your bed, she needs to respect that. She won't be mad forever so don't worry! Anyway you should be the one who is mad not her!

  2. I hear this story 200000 times per day...i got 2 younger sisters...who's sharing a room !!!

    i really think that ur sister is wrong for putting her dirty stuff on your bed...explain to her why u got mad......and that thing 'i am noy your sister anymore'..i know that ur hurt and stuff....but all sisters fight...KEEP THAT IN 2morrow u guys will be have ice cream laughing about it...

  3. oh come on she is your sister...she will get over me and my sister fight like everyday I and she would be like I HATE YOU..but like 2 hours later she gets over it

  4. its not really a big deal. she will get over it and so will you. just give her time

  5. Unless your 9 then get over it. I still argue with my brothers and sisters. It's not the end of the world!

  6. sounds like someone is on the rag for the first time.

    haha wait about a week,

    ignore her,

    then she will come to you.

    Your right she's wrong case closed.

  7. You are.

    It is classified as YOUR bed... right?

    If she wants to throw a fit because she doesn't respect your ****

    than i guess that is her problem

  8. Okay  I have been in kinda the same thing. I went to camp with these two girls once. And so one of the girls set her wet bathing suit on kinda on my bed. I mean there was an empty bed right next to me but whatever. The thing with your sister. Let her cool off and then try to explain why you don't want her dirty clothes on your bed.

  9. try to play her favorite games with her and give her a laugh or two.she'll forgive you then

  10. i think you over reacted, BIG TIME!

  11. Your right for mkaing her take her stuff off of your property and shes wrong for not asking if she could put it on your bed and dont worry shell need u and say sorry  

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