
Who is russian/ukrainina/kazakh?

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iam russian/kazakh!

and i speak russian fully! if you do then email me and we can chat or something!





  1. I am Ukrainian!

    And Lithuanian!

    ...Strasvoit! Kak tebyia? Mena zovut Gumby.



  2. My moms side of the family was from the Russian empire (looonnggg ago) and spoke Russian. Ive been trying to teach myself Russian for about 3 years, in my spare time. :)

    Ya gavaroo plokoh pa ruski :(

  3. I live in Russia. Born in Kazakhstan. But itself bashkirka)))

  4. Borat is Kazakh!

  5. I'm Russian, Ukrainian, &+ Bulgarian.

    Yes, I speak Russian

  6. not me, gut good thing "get smart" shooted there

    so fnny

  7. я говорю по-Русскии!

    I'm english trying to learn Russian. It is so difficult!!!!!

  8. my dad's side consists of polish, ukrainian, and russian jews

  9. Привет! Как дела? Меня зовут миша. Я из Ростов-на-Дону. Конечно я говорю по-русский, но я не могу понимать много. =) Откуда вы? Пока!

  10. My boss's wife and mother-in-law.

  11. My grandma was born in Isaslav Ukraine!!!!!


  12. I'm Russian, and I speak Russian so if you want to talk then you can email me :]

    Меня зовут Малика.

  13. I am Russian can speak it but i am way more fluent in English because for 7 years i have been living in South Africa ...

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