
Who is saladin of syria?

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Who is saladin of syria?




  1. Salah Al Din (Saladin) was the sultan of Egypt and Syria who defeated the Christian kingdom of Jeruselem, and drove them out ending the crusader era.

  2. Saladin was a Kurdish (not Arab) solder, who became the ruler of Syria & Egypt during the crusade. He defeated the crusaders’ army at the battle of Hattin on the 4th of July 1187, & later captured Jerusalem. He then confronted the armies of the 3rd crusade, which was led by king Richard the lionheart. Saladin Succeeded in keeping Jerusalem, but he signed a treaty with King Richard.

    Saladin was known for his chivalry, magnanimity & generosity among Christians as well as Muslims. On the other hand he was an enemy to the extremists who had always demonized him along history.

  3. Salah Ad-din or Saladin was a muslim leader during the crusades, reknowned for his chivarly, and idolized by arabs.  For more ... of course, consult wikipedia.

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