
Who is scared of thunder and lightning?

by  |  earlier

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I am! I don't know why but I'm not scared by a little rumble, I get scared when it's raining hard and suddenly BOOM! and it's all frightening. I was home alone one day and it started raining and then this huge thunderstorm started. I was like "Oh, fireworks! (to try and distract myself that it was really thunder). But, I was really scared. It was like so loud and surprising! I just wanted to sleep to ignore the sounds. So, I decided to stuff myself in a closet and put clothes on top of me until I couldn't hear the thunder. Then eventually, I slept and woke up at around 4 A.M. in the morning.LoL. At least it was gone! Who is also scared of thunder and lightning? And if possible, how can you cure the fear? I just hate it when thunderstorms start. I get all jumpy so I would like some advice on how to stop worrying about thunder?!




  1. my dog /^?^\

  2. I think a good lightning storm is fun to watch.  It only gets scary to me when the bolts are really really close.  I once saw a bolt blow up a transformer pole that was only about 100 yards away from me.  That was scary.

    Get away from places where you could actually be struck by the lightning like inside a house with lightning rods and it's not scary.

  3. i dont know how you would cure it but it scares me a bit too

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