
Who is sick and tired of the question...?

by  |  earlier

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"Who's going to win the Stanley Cup?" There's only so many times we can answer, right?




  1. hha. im not annoyed, just not caring about it anymore and not answering. i mean, i love to support my red wings, but i dont need to repeat it over and over to get my point across. just ignore it, and keep cheering for the wings!

    and pistons. i think they are losing right now. c**p! haha

  2. you don't even have to ask to know the answer.. i get really mad when people talk about it in school i have to walk away. i wish there was a filter that removed all stupid questions like that

  3. Yes,everyone here is sick of the question.

    Trolls are not letting people enforce the wrath of the Dead Horse anymore and just report people who do it.

    The only thing you really can do is just answer it.

  4. Yeah, it is definitely annoying hearing that over and over again.

  5. It's just a way for hockey fans to say "My team's better."  "No, my team's better."  I'm getting kind of sick of that attitude from the organizations (it was obvious, to me at least, in both Dallas and now the Pittsburgh series).

    But the other thing that really gets me other than everyone asking, is that no matter how often you say a team's name it's not like it makes the chances of that team winning any better.

  6. Let's all start answering "In which year?"

  7. Sista please, don't even trip about those questions, we all is tired of 'em.

  8. Go Wings!!!

  9. then dont answer them. i like answering the questions and its easy points. lol

  10.! It's the most anoyingest thing ever.

  11. Thank you. That is the number 1 reason I go away during the playoffs.

    I can only see that question so many times, never mind answer it.

  12. it makes me want to puke just seeing those words within your question

    bhbpman - if hockey sucks, which it doesnt, why answer a question in the hockey section?

  13. Honestly, I would rather answer this question then, "should I get the NHL Mission Pro-Stock Hex-1 Hockey Stick", or something to that effect questions. Lol

  14. i'm not .. GO RED WINGS I LIVE IN DETROIT!!

  15. Not only is it annoying to see it repeated about 20 times a day, but how is anyone supposed to see the future and provide the correct answer?

    If I could do that, I wouldn't be hanging around here.

  16. uh they arent going to win the pens are but yeah im sick of it. just let the players play because they are the ones who decide who is gonna win not us. hey sorry about the pens comment!

  17. The only Q more annoying is am i pregnant?

    Red Wings will.

    oh yes and see what happens when you go into the preggers section and type they're pregnant w/an alien from Predator. They have no sense of humor.

  18. Yes, that question has been asked over a billion times.

  19. this is probably the most  common question when it comes to playoffs in any sport.. Its always who's gonna win it?...

    Im answering this one anyways.. although the odds are against Pittsburgh, i will not quit on them.. Pittsburgh is my favorite American team. (oilers being my #1 favorite) Does that answer you question?

  20. I agree.  There is only one thing worse that that question, it's a question complaining about the question.

  21. i can answer it as many time it comes up go wings

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