
Who is sick of the Credit Bureaus and the credit score they give you?

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Who is sick of the Credit Bureaus and the credit score they give you?




  1. Just make sure you pay everything on time.

  2. Would you pick the score they give you if you could?  Instead of playing the victim, do something about it.  Have you considered using one of those authorized user tradeline programs. They are very affordable and would get you well on your way to having better credit. My mom used it and not only was able to open other accounts, but her score jumped 51 points. Check out the free evaluation form at They can help.

  3. The credit scores that the CRA's offer are not true FICO's. (and good money should not be wasted on their FAKO scores)

    I'm tired of the way the CRA's blatantly and willfully thumb their noses at the FCRA.

    They constantly post inaccurate information and allow it to remain if it is simply verified, and not corrected, by the creditor/collector.

    If they have problems placing negative information on the original debtors reports, they won't hesitate to place it on someone elses reports - generally only because that person may have a similar name, address, etc. as the original debtor.

    Things won't change unless the people who are fighting the CRA's file complaints with the FTC.

    The FTC will not do anything on a personal level, they only step in when a large number of complaints cross their desks.

    Right now only a small fraction of people, who have inaccurate info on their reports and cannot get the CRA's to correct it or remove it, even bother to file FTC complaints.

    If no/few complaints are filed, the FTC will not do much.

    If at least 50% of the people having problems will file FTC complaints, the CRA's will finally be forced to follow the laws

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