I have had it with being called racist because I do not support Obama, I have had it with Every time a white person says something negative about a black person it is a race thing, all the times a black person gets themselves into trouble heaven forbid it is a white judge because their racist unless they agree with the black person. Am I racist no but I am getting bias because of this issue. If something goes wrong in my life and another nationality is involved I do not blame race. Mayor Kilpatrick in Detroit is going before Gov. Jennifer Granholm tomorrow for his removal hearing, He has come forward and called her prejudiced, OJ do I need to say more here? Now Obama what is it going to take to stop this form of reverse racisim? That is exactly what it is racism used by blacks, playing on "white guilt". What do I as a 36 year old have to be guilty for? I went to all black schools in Detroit you really want to know who is racist. White boy, Devil, h****y, cracker, these are terms that are accecptable? I can not (and do not) say ni--er, because it is an offensive racial slur, but the reverse is ok? When is enough, enough? Oh and to the give me my reparations people Where are the Indian reperations, What about women, I mean they got their "rights" after blacks, What about Japaneese, What about Germany paying reparations to Jews? Where does this end? And before some ignorant person shows their ignorance by calling me a racist, My son is 1/2 mexican, I am a mutt, and I have some neices that you would not know they have any white in them. What is it going to take?
Oh and please keep your white power to yourselves also thanks.
Thoughtful answers appreciated.