
Who is smart and bored?

by  |  earlier

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  1. No one. If you are smart, you are not bored. If you are bored, you are not smart.

  2. i am not too smart .... but i am bored......and homeschooled.......................and realy BoReD..........nO I mEaN iT I aM BoReD!!!!!!!!!!!@#$%^&*()_+|/*-.\=-`~~~~...

  3. I disagree with the first guy.

    I am smart, homeschooled, but incredibly BORED. I have two months left of highschool, and I AM BORED WITH IT!!!! lol

    No thanks on the work, I am too busy! Thanks for the offer, though!!! :)

  4. If you're buzy how can you be bored?

    Anyway, the curriculum I'm using thankfully keeps me from being bored. I think if I might have used a different curriculum I'd be bored.

    Yeah, that's my thought.

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