
Who is smarter, the average man or the average woman?

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Just curious.




  1. Oh people, people! It's the average woman and man TOGETHER, of course. ^D^ Of course it's easy to judge things like "well, average women have a busy schedule." and "men have a little higher IQ and are stronger." . But come on! A world full of men wouldn't last without a womens touch and a world full women wouldn't without mens. (and no, not just because we need each other to reproduce...)

    And Cooper, shame on you, how can you say that a man thinks with his p***s? They have no braincells down there, you know.

  2. is this a trick question

    like what weighs more a ton of feathers or a ton of bricks

    they are equal

  3. the average woman cause men think with their p***s

  4. There are more men at the extremities, and more average women, but the average is approximately the same (though IQ tests show men's average is slightly higher, sorry gals).

    Further explanation: Most people who are considered "genius" are men, as are most people considered "mentally handicapped", while most women tend toward the middle.

  5. its been proven that it is the average women

  6. woah interesting question xD

    i think the average woman, i mean woman  have a way more complicated lifestyle, and they r amazing, handling house and family. and work. omg, so totally woman  

  7. Depends on the subject and the man & woman being compared.  I am better than my husband in English(spelling, reading, etc..), but he is better than me with technology.  We are about even at Math, but we have completely different methods of solving the same problems.  You can't say that men are 5 times more likely to have an IQ of 150 or me a man with that high of an IQ and I'll show you a man with no people skills.  Most men and women are average, but have different strengths.

  8. WOMAN without a doubt.

  9. the average bear

  10. Until teenage years, IQ scores are about equal.

    Into adulthood, men are generally 4-5 IQ points higher than women.

    There are approximately twice as many men with IQ above 125 than women.

    There are approximately five times as many men with IQ above 150 than women.

    Edit:  The question wasn't about strength or people skills, only who is smarter, so I chose IQ stats.  The answer wasn't my opinion, either.  Here is one source:

  11. In what subject? We both have our strengths and weaknesses don't we?

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