
Who is someone famous whose parents considered having an abortion

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its for my speech on abortion




  1. would it matter if they became famous or not , a person is a person regardless of their income or talent  

  2. This is an example that you just reminded me of:

    A professor at the UCLA Medical School presented the following case history to his students:

    A woman who suffers from tuberculosis is pregnant.

    Her husband has syphilis.

    There are three children in the family.

    One is blind, another deaf, and the other suffers from tuberculosis. Yet another child died in infancy.

    Under the circumstances, most of the students recommended an abortion. They were then informed by their Professor:

    “Congratulations, you’ve just killed Beethoven!”  

  3. Well, that's a worthy cause, but think about it... How many parents would tell their child they had once thought about aborting him/her? I seriously doubt anyone would know that of their parents, and if they did would tell the rest of the world.

    What you might do, is take famous people who came from circumstances that would have been used as an excuse to abort them, i.e., very poor (Condi Rice comes to mind), a genetic illness, parent was a drug addict, etc.

    Good luck.

  4. I think you would have a very difficult time finding any parents of famous people who will admit to thinking about an abortion at the time of pregnancy. You may find a few, however, who are willing to state that they wished they had had an abortion knowing what they know today about their offspring.

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