
Who is still willing to defend Geoge W Bush and the job he has done?

by Guest66755  |  earlier

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Just want to see if there's any left. I wanna find out who is part of the 19% still giving him the pat on the back.




  1. I don't like him, I'm not one of the 19%. We need true leadership that people can get behind and believe in, it's been many years, since Reagan as far as I can remember.

  2. The problems we are facing were not created because Bush is president. It has been along time coming. He was handed a S****y hand. Examples 9/11, social security and Iraq. These problems were brewing years before Bush became president. 9/11- Did Clinton not know we were in danger? Social security- This problem did not just arise. It has been known for years. The government didn't just figure that one out. It was brushed aside for years. Bush was the one that grew a pair and told us. Iraq- This country has always been a threat to the U.S., other countries and it's own people. He saw the danger and did something about it. Same with Afghanistan. He didn't p***y foot around.

    Then Bush was dealt catastrophic natural disasters not only in our own country but in other countries. What president has been faced with this?

  3. a fool. haha

  4. puppet.

    what did he do that deserves applause

  5. You say the job he has done? Other than our dropping economy what exactly has he done? Struck back within 24 hrs of being attacked on our on soil?  

  6. Spoken like a true Far Left Loonie.  I will bet you that history which will have the final say on Bush's record will not judge him as a bad President that you think he is.  In fact Bush will rate higher then Clinton.

  7. Only the confused ones.

  8. gallup says 33%, but then, nobody has asked me.  i haven't trusted bush since... well since the first i heard his name.  didn't trust his dad either.

  9. haha not me.

  10. King W - the most crooked, disgraceful, despicable, excuse for a human being to walk the earth, let alone be president of this country. Prison is too good for him. He cared not an iota for anyone except his rich cronies, and took it upon himself to single-handedly rip the heart of the Constitution from the soul of the American people, while sending thousands of young Americans to their deaths, and countless thousands more to shattered, war-ravaged lives, for his own ego and the aggrandizement of his big business pals.


    10 years from now King W will be looking out of his jail cell and thinking "Boy, I screwed them over and it was worth the 20 years in prison. My guys are all billionaires."

  11. I disagree with the majority of what Bush has done while in office, and how he has further turned the once "small government" republican party into the big government neoconservative republican party. But I admire his steadfast courage and vigilance in the face of much scrutiny, low approval ratings, and controversy over the "War On Terror." Although, I'd prefer if we left both Iraq and Afghanistan, or at least focused on Afghanistan.

  12. I will defend him two ways.  

    1. Gore

    2. Kerry

    Despite what you children here think, he was the better choice both times.  

  13. There's no black and white on any of these candidates/elected officials.

    I don't hate Bush but I'm not thrilled on many of his policies.

    I don't think Bush was right on the Iraq projection. I think something needed to be done with Iraq for violating UN sanctions all the time.

    But, the idea that we would be loved by the people for invading their country and getting rid of Saddam was a fantasy. But, his father was criticized for being a wimp and for not going into Iraq for Saddam in 91.

    I like the concept of monitoring school performance. Perhaps, the execution was wrong.  

    I don't like the dollar being allowed to sink.

    But many of the economic issues we have no have nothing to do with him. People have been faking their ability to pay and their wages haven't gone up for decades. It's like a house of cards and the cards eventually fall. People have been consuming too much oil for far too long.

    I guess there is no 100% perfect system no matter who is the person.

  14. like all of america and the world for that matter, i supported him after 9/11 b/c the time called for unity.  9/11 was a special time when america followed their president. we were willing to sacrifice a lot to rebuild america and become one b/c 9/11 was so profound and so important that fighting was the last thing to do. but then bush destroyed that unity, trust and support by lying to us about the iraq war. he ruined everything and created another vietnam nightmare.  he failed as a commander in chief by not organizing everything in iraq and it got out of control. that's when i stopped defending bush. now i'm counting the nanoseconds till he leaves the white house.

  15. In some way I feel he is responsible for making Starbucks close by my house. They took away my favorite watering hole d**n Bush.

  16. My husband works with one of them and the way she justifies it is that NOW it's because of congress that there is a problem. It has nothing to do with Bush. Sheesh!

    Even my mother and my sister who are stanch Republicans are humiliated to the core over Bush!

  17. as a desert storm vet, i have to reply to george sr being a wimp with desert storm in 91, our orders from nato was to assist getting saddam outta kuwait not to kill him. under geneva convention no country to order that hit on another presidency of another country.

    only after clintons botched "black hawk down" under u.n. our guys would never again be under anyone but u.s. command.

    even tho i think this war has gone on long enough

    what has congress done to protect us while our soldiers are serving, they havent done anything to our borders. so why bring our boys home,

    nobobdy has come up with an escape route(someone needs to ask that question). so yes i still give bush a pat on the back for his accomplishments cause other than war, congress has been running the race, cause they took power when clinton was in office from the presidency.

  18. Not me. George Bush should have been out on the first term.

  19. ********** [sound of crickets softly chirping]

  20. I am. He is far better than the other choices we had at the time and I think he has done a great job as president.  

  21. About the only thing around here that may defend BUSH-n-d**k is my toilet brush!

  22. nobody

  23. anyone that has not had their family murdered by terrorists since 9/11 should not only defend bush, but should recognise him as one of the greatest presidents in US history.

  24. I can't do it, but I honestly think in 50 years he will have an approval rating of near zero because the worst of what he did will be unclassified.  But of course, in 50 years, no one will care, it will just be a sad chapter in history class.  

  25. I think 10 yrs from now we will look back and realize what a good job he actually did, considering what he faced.

  26. Friends and Family.


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