
Who is stronger, the giant gonzales or the great khali???

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sometimes it happens to me to think about the rosters of WWE and I imagine matches!!!




  1. Khali

  2. different eras , better coditiong etc . yhe edge goes to kahli. if people knew this mans upbringing , and background . very very few would ever  boo this . physical speciman .

  3. It will be Khali ... always  

  4. The Great Khali is better. Gonzalez never did anything impressive with his career.  

  5. Great Khali would destroy gonzales

    Gonzales was slowest thing on earth he couldnt stand on his feet

    Reason why he is on wheel chair now

    Khali was a body builder

    Khali did high flying moves in japan, YOU CAN WATCH ON youtube!

    So yes KHali would destroy him

    The Joker Has Spoken

  6. giant gonzales.. i have nothing against the great khali though..i think he's a gentle giant..

  7. The Great Khali................

  8. Khali.  Giant Gonzalez was just tall and never really had to do anything.  He never really had any muscle mass.  Unfortunately he is real bad health right now.  They thought he was going to die last week, but luckily he has improved a bit.  Gonzalez needs a wheelchair to get around.

    Khali actually has muscle mass, but unfortunatley thats about it.  He wont be around much longer anyway due to knee problems

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